Chapter 75

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Oikawa's phone began to vibrate loudly, it was 7am and he needed to get up and get ready for the days photo shoot. He knew it would be a long day as only him and Atsumu had modelled before so he knew that he had to be on point with everything. The phone buzzed again much to Iwa's displeasure.

"As much as I love you babe, if you don't turn that phone off now Imma beat you to death with it" Iwa grumbled, not even opening his eyes. He felt like shit, this is why he never drank to excess, he couldn't handle the hangovers.

Oikawa looked at the boy laying beside him, God he was gorgeous, "Gomen Iwa chan. Here some pain relief" he said passing the boy some Advil and a glass of water. Iwa couldn't be angry at his beautiful boyfriend, "I'm sorry for being such a dick, I'm just not good with hangovers and we have the photo shoot in an hour. All I wanna do is sleep."

The brunette gently ran his fingers through his boyfriends hair and smiled, "I'll ask Suna to do your individual shot last and mine first. You stay in bed and I'll bring you something to eat and drink when I'm done." " What did I do to deserve you?" Iwa smiled whilst pulling the boy in for a kiss.

Twenty minutes later Oikawa was on his way down for breakfast when he bumped into Atsumu. "Hey babe, did you manage to get everything set up for today?" the blonde asked with a smile. "Yeah, all three will be arriving at lunch time and we can introduce them to the others. I can't wait." an excited Oikawa smiled.

By 8 am everyone other than Iwaizumi was downstairs around the pool to start the shoot. "Ok you lot we're going to do just normal shots, nothing too fancy for the first ones. We'll do Kawa, Atsumu, the rest of you and Iwaizumi last."Suna instructed.

The brunette stood and posed like it was second nature as the other's looked on trying to get some tips and within ten minutes they had the perfect shot.

The brunette stood and posed like it was second nature as the other's looked on trying to get some tips and within ten minutes they had the perfect shot

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"You're done Kawa, get Iwa down here by 10:00." "Okay, thanks Rin" he answered whilst making his way to the hotel coffee shop to pick something quick up for Iwa.

"Atsu, you're next" Suna smiled as a grey haired boy sat mesmerised whilst watching the dark haired boy work. He never thought that he would find someone so perfect for him but here he was Suna Rintaro, Perfection.

 He never thought that he would find someone so perfect for him but here he was Suna Rintaro, Perfection

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