Chapter 40

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The boys had a quiet day, well half of them did. Osamu's friends had decided that it was probably better to try and eradicate the current problem alone without worrying the others.

Suga had begun to return to his normal happy self thanks to Daichi, who had been a constant support throughout a very difficult time and Suga was so grateful for that. The grey haired beauty actually felt like he had a future with Daichi, something which he had never thought possible since losing Kyo.

"Okay everyone let's go" Bokuto shouted excitedly. The boys had seen an advertisement for a new Teppenyaki restaurant just a five minute walk away from the beach house. Everyone was outside waiting for Oikawa, which wasn't unusual, "Come on Tooru" Iwa shouted but received no response.

"I'll go check on him" the spiky haired boy offered running up the stairs. He opened the door to find Oikawa laying in bed. "Why aren't you ready?" the boy asked looking a little irritated. "Don't wanna go" the boy replied. "I'm getting a migraine" Oikawa groaned. Iwa touched the boys forehead gently, "you do have a fever. I'll go get you some water so that you can take some medication" he said disappearing out of the bedroom.

"Where's Kawa?" Kuroo questioned. "Not feeling good. He's got a migraine" Iwa replied. Suga reached into his backpack and handed pain killers to Iwaizumi. "You guys can go, I'll stay with him" the boy shouted whilst running back up the stairs. "See you later dude, we'll bring some food back for you" Matsun shouted as the boys left the beach house.

Iwa handed the medication to Oikawa and sat on the bed beside him. "I'll be fine Iwa. You go with the others." "I'm not leaving you here alone" Iwa replied looking a little taken aback. "Look, this medication always knocks me out, so I'll be sleeping all night" the boy mumbled, already showing signs of fatigue. "If you're worried just lock me in, I'll be fine."

Iwa decided to do what the boy asked and left as Oikwa drifted off to sleep.

"Dumb bitch" the boy in the camper van laughed, "a locked door can't keep me away from you, Tooru. He waited for ten minutes and then made his way to the beach house. When he arrived he quietly picked the lock and crept inside.

The boy's body tingled with anticipation as he touched the door handle, his breath hitching. He had waited so long to touch his ex, he dreamt about it every night and remembered what it felt like to touch that perfect body. "Oh God Tooru, I want you so bad" he whispered to himself.

He opened the door and crawled along the floor until he reached the bed. He looked in awe at the pretty brunette, his chestnut brown hair, which was a little untidy, his porcelain skin, his long eyelashes and those soft lips. He watched as the boy breathed in deeply and moved ever so slightly in his sleep. 'This is it' he said to himself as he quickly handcuffed the boy to the bed frame.

Oikawa's eyes flew open as he saw the boy climb on top of him. He was shocked, scared, "please Ryu, don't do this" he whimpered but the boy just laughed, "I'm going to have some fun with you, just like we used to and nothing is going to stop me."

He grabbed Oikawa's face and kissed him roughly whilst forcing his tongue into the boys mouth. The brunette fought to push him off. It didn't work so he bit hard on his aggressors tongue drawing blood.

Ryu sat up, spat the blood out of his mouth and punched Oikawa, hard. "That's it you whore, I'm gonna punish you for that".

THEY MET AT THE BEACHWhere stories live. Discover now