Chapter 27

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The boys eventually reached their destination, it was exciting. This theme park had the highest roller coaster in Japan and everyone other than Osamu had agreed to ride it at the end of the day.

"Come on Samu. You've gotta do it" screamed an excitable Atsumu. "No, not happening" he responded sitting on a nearby bench. "But why?" the blonde whined, "you love things like this."

Suna saw the slight change in the boys expression, even though the others hadn't. "How do you know what I like? I haven't seen you for years and even before you left you were always so self obsessed you never cared about me." The boy stood and bolted away from the group as the others gathered around Atsumu to make sure that he was okay but no one gave Osamu a second look. Suna didn't like that, so he ran in the direction that the grey haired male had gone in.

Osamu knew it was wrong to take out his mood on Atsumu but he was done, of course he was happy to see his twin but it just brought everything back to him. His mother always sided with Atsumu, no matter what he had done. He was allowed to behave any way he wanted and Osamu hated him for it.

"You okay" a voice asked from behind. He turned slowly and looked at into the boy's eyes, "I'm so tired" he whispered his face twisting in pain. "I forgot just how draining it was to live in Atsumu's shadow."

Suna felt like someone was actually squeezing his heart as he pulled the boy into his arms, "just let it all out, I'm here." Osamu looked relieved but confused, "but you're one of Sumu's friends, shouldn't you be with him?"

The dark haired boy sighed," Sumu has enough people to fawn over him. I wanted to make sure that you were okay." Osamu could feel his tears threatening to spill over but he was determined to not allow it. Tsumu was the one that cried whilst Osamu preferred to show no emotion and to keep everything bottled up inside.

"Come on, let's find somewhere away from the crowds so that we can talk" Samu nodded his head and began to walk side by side with the laid back boy.

"Sumu, are you okay?" Akaashi asked quietly. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm just so sad that Samu thinks that I don't care about him. I need to go find him" Atsumu replied, still a little shocked as to the turn the conversation took. "You go and enjoy yourselves while I go and find Samu." "You sure?" Kenma asked. "I'll go with him" Sakusa said whilst looking at a flushed Atsumu and chuckling quietly.

Atsumu and Sakusa waved at the others as they disappeared in the direction that both Osamu and Suna had travelled in about 10 minutes before.

Suna's phone began to ring, "have you found him?" Atsumu asked his friend. "Yeah, I'm with him now" the boy answered. "Is he okay?" "Yeah, he is but I think that you two need to talk" Suna said looking Osamu straight in the eyes. "I'll tell you where we are. So if you wanna sort this out you'll need to come and meet us" Suna explained sending the details of where they were to Atsumu's phone.

Both boys arrived at the site to find an obviously upset Samu and Suna attempting to comfort him. Atsumu ran towards his brother and flung his arms around him neck, "I'm sorry Samu" Atsumu cried. "Yeah me too" the boy mumbled. "You two need to spend time together in order to work on your relationship" Sakusa advised. Both boys looked at each other and nodded.

"I just want to share a story with you both before we head back and I want you both to think about it before you have a conversation. Having a sibling is a gift from God, so that you never have to be alone. Having a twin is like finding your other half, it's special. I had a brother and sister" the boy said trying to compose himself.

"What?" Atsumu gasped. "You never talk about them". Suna looked at the two and explained, "My father, brother and sister died in a car accident 5 years ago. Only my mom and I survived but she passed away a year later, they said that she died of a broken heart. I was left behind with no one until my grandmother and grandfather took me in."

Osamu's mouth gaped open, how could someone go through so much pain and still want to help others, "you're amazing" he gasped watching the boy flush red in front of him.

"I shared this with you both so that you don't take each other for granted. You've been given a second chance, so please use it. Come on Sakusa I think they need to talk, we'll go and find the others. Come and find us when you're done."

"Thank you" Osamu replied with a sad smile. "Yeah, thank you Rin" Atsumu added.

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