Chapter 26

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"Are you okay Suga?" No reaction. "Koushi, are you okay?" Atsumu asked, looking at the boy with concern. "I'm sorry babe. I'm just worried about Kawa" he replied, obviously struggling with the decision to leave his friend alone.

Daichi had watched the interaction and decided to message Iwaizumi, hoping that he could kill two birds with one stone. He could check on the brunette and indirectly ensure that Iwa wasn't lost in his own head.

Message between Daichi and Iwa -

'Hey Iwa, could you check on Kawa, if you feel up to it. Suga's worried about him'

'No problem. I was just gonna call over there. He left me a care package with all of my favourite things. How did he know?'

'I'm sorry, I told Suga about your brother. I hope you don't mind but he came over this morning after your blood because he thought that you'd just used Kawa for sex'

'It's okay, I appreciate you having my back but I need to tell you something'

'What? Are you okay?"

'Yeah dude but I think that I'm falling for him'

'I think that he feels the same way. Suga said he was devastated when he thought that you'd used him. I believe he was treated extremely badly by his ex'

'I'll look after him, now go and have fun'

'See you later Iwa'

The dark haired boy walked over to Suga, "Do you mind if I speak to Suga?" he asked the blonde who was beside the smaller boy. "Yeah no problem. I'm gonna sit next to Omi" he said as he vacated his seat and sat next to the silver haired boy.

"Is everything okay Daichi?" he asked with a puzzled look on his face. "Yeah, I just wanted to let you know that I've spoken to Iwa and he's going to check on Kawa and probably spend the rest of the day with him, so hopefully you can enjoy yourself without constantly worrying about him".

"Thank you Daichi" Suga blushed. He turned slightly to look at the larger males profile. He was hot but not in an obvious obnoxious way and he made Suga feel safe. He also had the kindest eyes that the silver haired boy had ever seen and without realising what he was doing Suga leant in to kiss Daichis cheek at the very same time as the dark haired boy had decided to do the same thing. Instead of receiving a peck on the cheek their lips met.

"I'm so sorry" Suga squealed, embarrassment written all over his face but instead of Daichi feeling the same way, the action spurred him on. He gently moved Suga's hands away from his face and cupped his cheeks whilst pulling him in to kiss him again. Luckily the boy kissed back much to the amusement of the rest of his friends.

"Holy shit Suga, go for it" Tendou screeched. Everyone turned to look as Suga pulled away from Daichi. "Oh shit" the taller boy thought ' I've gone too far.' However Suga felt differently and stood suddenly to address the others, "You hoes are just jealous that I've kissed a fine assed man and I'm gonna keep doing it".

Daichi liked that idea so pulled the boy onto his lap and they began to make out as everyone looked on in disbelief.

'You go Suga, you deserve happiness babe" Atsumu thought with a smile.

THEY MET AT THE BEACHWhere stories live. Discover now