30. Principle's Office

Start from the beginning

"This is a story about my great aunt. Her name was Sun-hui. Lee Sun-hui. I'm referring to her informally for the sake of the story. Sun-hui was twenty when the war started. She was working as nurse before the war so naturally she became an army nurse. During her time on the front lines, a young Northern soldier stole a Southern uniform off a dead body so he could claim a new identity in Korea" someone cut me off by raising their hand to ask a question.

"Aren't they both Korea though?" one of the box-dye blondes asked in her high pitched voice. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Not to us. South Korea is the real Korea. Can I continue?" I asked. Maya smiled in satisfaction next to me.

"Anyways, the Northern soldier was named Kim Jong-su. Now Jong-su was doing a good job at blending in as a Southern soldier. That was until he met Sun-hui. He said that Sun-hui was like the most beautiful lotus flower he had ever seen and he was incredibly distracted by her beauty" everyone aw'd and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Now the story is very long so I'll cut it shorter. Jong-su was also quite handsome so Sun-hui quickly fell in love with him. She was very well aware that he was from up North because the Korean that is spoken in the two regions is very different. Sun-hui's dad worked for the government so he helped them register Jong-su as a South Korean citizen. Jong-su and Sun-hui got married but they never had any children so that's why they told the stories to us so we could pass them on to our children one day. Sadly both of them passed away because of age but they're buried next to each other" I finished the story. The room was silent for a while and nobody spoke.

"So Erika is a North Korean then" one of the boys spoke. My blood boiled and I glared in his direction.

"Why don't you come over here and find out" I retaliated. Stupidly he got up out of his seat and made his way to my desk. I began to shake with anger then without thinking I stood up and punched him in the face.

Blood began to pour out of his nose and the box-dye blondes ran to his aid.

"Erika to the office" my teacher instructed. Loads of people began to argue with him but I decided to storm out of the classroom and go straight to the office. On my way there I sent my older sister a message to let her know what had happened and to let her know that she might need to come pick me up.

I pushed open the office door and walked inside. The reception lady looked me up and down before looking at the name tag that was embroidered into my school blazer.

"I just got off the phone with your teacher. Go straight to the principle's office" she said before fixing her attention back to the magazine she was reading. I did as I was told and walked down the short passage until I reached the principle's door.

I knocked twice before going inside. The principle was sitting at his desk in front of a stack of paper work. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Miss Park is it? I was wondering when we'd be expecting you. Your older brother and sister were quite the fighters" he motioned for me to sit down. I again did as I was told. I exhaled deeply as the remaining anger inside me disappeared.

"What brings you here today?" he asked. His voice was kinder than I expected it to be. Much less stern than it usually was in the assemblies.

"A boy in my class said something nasty about me pertaining to my ethnicity so I punched him in the face" I answered bluntly. He chuckled and shook his head.

"You stood up for yourself. I admire that. But unfortunately violence is against the code of conduct but seeing as this is your first ever disciplinary infringement I will let you off with a warning" he began. I sighed in relief.

"Try not to punch anyone in the face next time. When you get back to class tell your teacher I want to see him and the person you punched" the principle said before dismissing me. I thanked him before leaving his office. I took one last look at the snarky receptionist before leaving the office.

To my surprise all my friends as well as Kina and her friends were waiting outside of the office already. I looked at Maya who only shrugged with a cheeky smile on her face.

"Well done dongsaeng. Next time you should knock him out" Cassie was the first to speak. I rolled my eyes but accepted a hug from her.

"We're proud of you for standing up for yourself" Airi said softly. Once everyone was done congratulating me, Kina pulled me in for a hug.

"My girlfriend is a fighter. I know who I'm calling for backup next time I get into a fight" she teased. I playfully pushed her on the shoulder.

"We should all be in class right now" I brought everyone back to reality.

"Fuck that shit. We're going with you to your class to jump the motherfucker who called you a fucking norther" Cassie said. I tried to protest but the group was already dragging me to the classroom.

"We just wanna talk to him" Gale joked. Cassie hummed in agreement.

"Yeah but when we talk to him just close your eyes okay?" Maya added. I scoffed at their antics.

"You're all going to jail" I chuckled.

"Correction we are all going to jail. That kid messed with the wrong girl" Kina shrugged. When we arrived at the classroom everyone cheered for my arrival.

"Kina if you have any bit of sanity left in you you're not gonna do this" I whispered. She looked at me with a cheeky glint in her eye.

"Don't worry Cherry. Gale, Cassie and I will handle it later"


Guys I updated oh my god what is this witchcraft. I have a few more days of spare time before school starts up again so I decided to gift you all with a few chapters!!!!

What do you all think Kina meant by saying she'd handle it? How do feel about the way Erika handled the situation? Would you have reacted the same or do you think she over reacted?

Let me know in the comments!

Thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next one where things get even spicier ;)

Have an amazing morning, afternoon or night wherever you are and remember I love you loadsss.



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