Chapter 68

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The city was vibrant and sorta tropical but it was also a big piece of trash. Everywhere you looked was filthy. Your mission now was to find a new home and continue life, just what your old mother would have wanted. You jumped into the bin and picked up a tag, a almost used up marker and wrote, "Please ad0pt m3" on it and you walked around the city of Los Angeles hopefully finding a mother or father or both! Maybe even two mothers or fathers!

You walked to different restaurants and you waited for people to see you. Many people walked around the street and going to different offices and you were being completely ignored. You felt like crying to get attention but you tried it and NOTHING happened. Why? Kids. Other children were crying for either being babies wanting food, or others throwing a tantrum. You were quite upset and started to doubt it.

You then seen an orphanage, and immediately ran.

You tried a lot of places like shops, fairs, parks, movie studios, theme parks, cinemas, banks, and everywhere you could go but nobody noticed you. You had to eat leftover food and it was disgusting. As the day went from day to night, you gave up on finding a family. You decided to live alone and you looked around the sorta quiet city with a lot of cars going by and parties nearby.

Eventually you found a home for yourself in a cardboard box near the cinema you visited for a hopeful adoption from earlier and you had your soft toys to keep you comfy, warm and to have company. You started to whimper in tears as you knew this was how you would have to live for the rest of your life.

A sad, homeless loser of a child who had a family but it got taken away from you as easy as a chicken losing a feather. Then you hear a car that stops. You hear a woman laughing and she was on the phone and stood near where you are talking to the person. Then the car drove off. Seemed like a taxi. You peeped up and you seen her. She had blonde hair, had a nice denim jacket, and she had a lovely voice.

"Yeah, I am just nearly home. I am going to walk so I can get some exercise. Okay bye!" She says before sticking two fingers up making a V like sign. She then puts away her phone and sighs. You jump out and you Peep from the side of the alley. "" You call out. She looks at you and she gets concerned.

"Hey there little buddy, why are you out this late? Where is your parents?" She asks before you started to ball. "Gone!" You cried sitting down. She then looked at the tag and she gasped. "Oh my, sweetheart. Come with me. I will bring you to a safe place and I will try to help you okay?" She says making you realise this was a sign of luck. You nodded before getting your bag of soft toys and she picks you up and holds your bag.


You were surrounded by a blanket and you had food next to you and the woman looked at you trying to calm you down. "So... you were adopted by some people who were like vampires and then you were kidnapped and now you are still a child right?" She asks trying to recap what you had been through.

"Well don't worry. I will look after you. My name is Maggie. I am learning to become an actress." She says smiling trying to lift your spirits. You stared at her feeling a little comfortable with her. You then got out of the blanket and you requested for a stress cuddle by reaching you arms for her.

"Of course, come here sweetie." She says before pulling you over and sitting you on her lap and your legs went around her waste and she hugged you gently. "Maggie... thank you for this." You thank her nicely. She looks down at you and smiles. "I just knew it was odd seeing a little kid on the street so I had to do something." She says stroking your head.

"It's okay though, for now, I will take good care of you okay? Maybe if I can, I can try find you new parents or if you..."

"Can I stay with you? I... feel nervous around everyone and you make me feel very safe with you." You request to her and she smiles. "Of course dear. I will." She says before she hugs you even closer.

However there was something about her voice that sounded soothingly familiar... a bit too familiar.

You asked her to do a voice of a fourty year old mother and...


No way...


You immediately warmed up to her voice and then you said something that made her shocked. "Are you my mother?" You asked.

She smiled warmly... "Yes. I am!" She says brightly.

For the next two weeks, you started to really warm up to Maggie and she started to homeschool you, take you out to places you never went to before like a cinema, restaurant and a park. It was lovely.

You still made your birthday to be January 17th for all the years Maggie had you with her and you grew older over time.

Maggie ended up doing some acting courses and you felt quite proud of her. When you were ready, you got into proper school and it was fun and you even made some friends! Thomas, James and Andy. They did lots of fun things with you like you went to theme parks, and did other fun things too! Universal was your personal favourite since you recognised everything in the park like Jurrasic Park, Despicable Me, Shrek, and many more.

Also you managed to get skilled at claw machines which went from losing a lot, to winning eight each time. The last half of childhood was great but each day... you miss your old family.

A Mother's Obsession | Lady Dimitrescu X Boy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now