Chapter 4

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It is morning time again. You are very lucky because you did not go back there last night. You are relieved. Then you hear footsteps. You get excited to see your mother. The door then opens and you see her crouch through the door. "Good morning sweetie" She then picks you up and hugs you. "Sleep well?" She asks you. You nod.

"Good. Look what I made for you!" She then reveals a pouch. "It fits I promise." She then puts you in and to your suprise, it does. You then get off the pouch and she puts it on her back. "There. Now you won't fall when your on there when a man-thing comes." She says and smiles at you. You then giggle slightly.

"You feeling hungry?" She asks. "I am feeling quite hungry mom." You are not feeling too hungry but hungry enough to have something to keep you running throughout the day. She then Scoops you in her arms and onto her shoulder. "You are very light. Did your orphanage give you enough food when you were there?" She says in a joke matter. You then go quiet. Your mom notices her new baby was upset over the fact she asked about the orphanage. "I am so sorry dear. Well I will tell you this. You will never go back there. You are with your mommy now. I won't let them take you. Or even Miranda."

She then boops your nose and walks down the hallways into the dinning room which your sisters are there. "Morning daughters." Your mother says loudly as she walks in with you on her shoulder and your feet at the bottom of her chest. "Good Morning mother and brother!" They all say. "Okay darling. I am going to put you onto a chair next to me okay?" You nod with a smile. She then places you into a tall chair and you are able to get your arms up.

Your mother chuckles quietly. "Need help to get higher dear?" She asks you. You then find a cushion and uses it to make you get high enough to be proper at the table. "You're clever." She responds with a nice voice. "Daughters. Mind getting his meal?" "Yes mother!" The daughters respond with a happy voice. "Sweetheart. You are getting a different meal than us because you can't eat the stuff we are eating because you could get sick." You are thinking... are they eating that man who got his head chopped off yesterday? What are you getting? What is going to happen. Will the food smell bad.

All these thoughts worry you. Then your mother holds your hand and hums quietly to you. She comforts you with her beautiful voice. Then your sisters come out with plates of meat with blood still on them and a plate of possibly fruit. You are unsure. Then it's placed in front of you and give it a quick smell. "Yep. Definitely fruit" goes through your mind. "Open up dear." She is spoon feeding you. "It's not yucky dear" She responds with a friendly smile. Then you taste it. It's new. What could it be. You have never tasted it before. It tastes very sweet, watery, sour and a bit weird. You seem to like it.

"Looks like you like it. Think you can eat the rest by yourself?" She asks you. You nod. She then puts her hand onto your cheeks and rubs it and pinches off a seed off your cheek. You then realise its a fruit salad. There is apple, raspberry, Watermelon, strawberry and pears squished into mush. You then eat the fruit salad but you smell rotten flesh and blood from what your other family members are eating.

You feel like to get sick but you just smell the fruits to stop it. You eat it slow so you finish it in time with the others so you don't have to smell that wretched smell. After you and the others finish your food, your mother lifts you up. "Up you get. You want to play with your sisters today?" You then think about it and you nod to her. "Good Boy. Down you get"

She bends down to lower you to the ground and removes her hands once your feet have reached the ground. "Come here brother!" Daniela said to you as you are placed onto the floor. "I want to carry him!" Cassandra then begged your mother for. Your mother then laughed quietly. "No he is mine!" Bela said as she bashed Cassandra out of the way her hip. (Thankfully not breaking anything)

"Daughters! Calm down. You are scaring him." Your mother said as she saw you overwhelmed by your sisters begging to have you for their own for a while. "If you girls don't know how to have him to play with you all together then he will come with me" She then says in a angry voice. "Sorry mother" your sisters then respond.

"Come here sweetie pie" your mother says for you to hug her. "Shhhhh. It's okay now. They will play with you together now. If they upset you come to me okay?" You then nod. "Come here y/n" Cassandra says as they are about to play with you. "Make sure he doesn't hurt himself now girls!"

Your mother then shouts as they are leaving with you to play. "We won't mother!" Daniela shouts. Then all three of your sisters look at you. Bela, Cassandra and Daniela then discuss what game to play that was safe, for you to not get hurt and to not break anything. "What about Hide and Seek?" Bela asks. Then they all agree. "All of us should hide. Brother should not be it because it would be very unfair for him." Cassandra says.

"I'll be it!" Daniela says then she starts counting. All daughters hide and you go into a vase and hold your breath when Daniela starts looking for everyone. You then poke your head out to see if Daniela was nearby. Nope. You then get out of the vase and look for a new spot. You then see Daniela walk into a room and you wait for her to come out by hopping into a vase. You wait. Then she comes out and walks away from the room. You then go into that room and find a perfect new hiding place.

Then your mom comes into the room and she is writing something. You keep quiet and she is saying different words like "adoption", "child", "fear" and different words. You then hit a glass bottle. She then looks around and bends down under the table. She smiles at you.

"How long were you under there darling?" You smile and then she knows he is playing hide and Seek. "Quick under my dress dear. I'll hide you under there." She says and giggles a bit and you do too. Then she lifts her dress and hides you underneath. She then goes back to the chair and you hide underneath her and between her legs.

You then hear flies and Daniela's voice. "Mother. Where is brother?" Your mother then puts on a straight face and replies back "No, I have not" then Daniela gets suspicious. "Is he with you?" "No" She replies back. "Mother... he is under your dress isn't he?" Daniela replies back. "What? No. He is not allowed to do that because he is a boy. It is just inappropriate for boys to do that." She replies back. "Mother... is he..." "Don't finish it. It's a no. That's another place that's inappropriate. He is not with me I swear." She replies back. "Okay fine. We will look for him in the dining room." Then Daniela flies off. Your mother then chuckles and lifts her dress up. "You don't qualify for hiding under my dress to be inappropriate... son." She says in a friendly voice. You then go bashful. She then bursts out laughing. "You're funny dear." Then she realised. "Back inside quick!" She then pushes you back underneath.

"Mother! What's wrong?" Daniela said as she hurried to her. "Nothing. Just laughing at a joke I came up with." She responds back. "Um... okay." Daniela said and she swarms away in her flies. "That was close sweetie." She whispers to you.

7 hours later Daniela screams "Okay brother we give up!" Then your mother shouts "He was right here girls" and chuckled as she lifted up her dress and found you sleeping. "Awww. he must have gotten so bored for you finding him he must have fell asleep" "That's a bad boy!" Daniela said in anger "Shhh! I let him hide there. He wasn't going to do anything inappropriate anyways. He is only a child." She responded back in a serious voice but a bit chuckly too.

"I'll bring him up to his bed now." Your mother lifted you off the floor, wiped the dirt off you from the floor and carried you off to bed. She then sat next to you and rubbing your head gently. You are in slumber but start to kick like your having a nightmare. She notices this and held your hand and placed the stuffed toy under your arm. You then stop. Your nightmare must have stopped thanks to your mother. She then leaves you be to rest.

A Mother's Obsession | Lady Dimitrescu X Boy ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu