Chapter 11

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You are in your Playroom. You heard some noises. You go to the window and find a sheet. You take it and read it and also took note on hiding it from your mother. "Dear y/n, I am just writing this letter to inform I'm still alive. You do not have to worry about me anymore. I have found a home and have a new mother named Alice. She is a huntress and I will live with her forever. This is probably the last time you will ever hear of me. I will always have you in my heart and memories. See you on the flip side best friend. From Sally."

You then hide the letter in your secret box. You then smile at the fact she is alive. You then go onto your play blanket that comforts you when you need it without mother. She was out hunting fresh prey today. You have not seen her in hours. You've felt worried for a while after all the trouble you have been in.

You then decide to get some rest on the blanket. You close your eyes and you think of your current state of your life. You kinda feel like Alcina Dimitrescu's Obsession. You never got yelled at or in trouble with her. She just cared for you.

You wake up in coldness. The doors to your Playroom were open which lead to the halls and the window was left open a small bit. You then shiver. You then walk out of the room and notice... your sisters and your mother are not there. "Mommy" you call and your voice echoed through the castle. You repeat the words multiple times. You then realise. Did she leave you? You then check her room and wine room. No. Then you think. What about that room you tried to escape in?

You go through the gardens and into the room with the stairs and you walk up them. You then open the door to the chambers. "Mommy?" You then ask. No reply. You then go out to the balcony and look out. The sky was dark, fire was seen at the village for light and you heard roars from monsters. You then look into another room on the left. You open the door and you don't see anything. You spend a while looking everywhere in the main castle grounds but nothing.

You then go into your room and grab your bear she gave you when you went to the castle first. You then got into bed and started to cry. You are worried that she ran off or something. Your tears wet the bed and you are hungry and upset.

You then black out with tiredness. You picture humming in your head. You feel happier while you listen to the humming in your head that your mother hums to you if you ever felt scared, had insomnia or sad. You then heard a little creak at the door. You then wake up but everything was so dark it took your eyes a few minutes to concentrate what it was. It seemed like... Daniela? But then you hear a growl you hear when you try to angrily shout while your throat is destroyed.

Then the gown was not black but brown! It had weird teeth and it had a shackle like your sisters and it had a hood. It then lunged at you. You scream in fear as it tried biting at you. You are crying as your trying not to get bit on the neck in fear. "HELP ME MOM!" You scream out while you are putting your strenght on the creature. It's grouling and it's drooling onto your skin.

You then push it away and you dash out but you trip over the mat again. The monster then walks out and stabs the shackle into your clothes. You scream as loud as you possibly can. Then the sharp end goes right into your skin and blood spits out of the wound. You then get thrown into a pot and you go right through the banisters and fall onto the floor causing you to break your rib cage.

You then scream twice as loud as last time in pain and tears. You knew something. Your mother was gone. You're all alone. You're going to get killed soon. You then got onto your knees and you crawled under the table in the main room of the castle. Your pain causes you to cry. The monster then goes downstairs and it grabs your leg. You are done for. Time to go to heaven.

The monster then goes up to you. It holds its weapon in the air and it stabs you in the head and you scream three times as loud causing your throat to pop inside with pain. It wiggles the weapon in your head and blood squirts as fast as possible onto the monsters eyes. The monster collapses and the weapon comes out of your head. Then it gets ready to Pounce.

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