Chapter 16

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You wake up in the middle of the night. Your mother is sleeping peacefully. It is rather dark.

You then get an urge to use the bathroom. You realise your mother has you stuck in her arms. You very quietly grunt and you need to think of a way out of the bed without waking her up.

You look down under the covers and notice a way out. You carefully crawl down and you make it out of the bed. You manage to leave the room without creaking any floorboards. Then you head to the bathroom. It was quiet dark and you needed a candle to get there. So you grab one and light it.

Afterwards you manage to get to it and you simply use it. The extremely quiet halls and only the faint sounds of wind tense you a little like something is ready to jump out. Once you were done, you grabbed the candle and went out.

You walk more slowly then last time because of the fear you gained of the tense quietness and your breathing. You go find a way back to your mother's bedroom since she put you to sleep there. She had a little rule also. If you we're put in a room to sleep in, you stay in that room for the rest of your sleep. You forget which way to go thanks to the giant endless halls.

After you hear some creaking. You swallow hard and you're feeling really scared. You breath a little louder hardly.

Maybe that's the castle... settling. Everything is okay, everything is safe, everyone is asleep, I won't be attacked, I will get back to mommy.

Those thoughts ran through your head. Then you hear girly breathing behind you. It sounds a little like... Bela? You turn around and she jumps out at you causing you to gasp loud and almost drop the candle. She starts chuckling.

"What are you doing little one?" She asks sweetly while you were stunned for the scare. "I... was just trying to go back to mommy. I needed to go to the bathroom." You explain. She gives you her hand and she walks you back to her room.

"Night night brother. See you in the morning." She whispers silently before walking away. You open the door carefully and you enter the room. You then walked carefully over to the bed and you got in.

Then her arms grabbed you and pulled you over to her.

Is she awake?

You then smile and you sleep for the rest of the night.

Those dreams have stopped since your mother destroyed the beast the last time you had one of those weird dreams. You had been having nice dreams of different things. You then think to yourself as you were about to sleep... What will I dream about tonight?

You then fall asleep.


The only thing you could physically hear or see was humming. The tune your mother hums to you constantly. It had an echo to it and it sounded weird like it was located in a dreams.
You then see a bright candle color. It was dim but it was something. You then felt the castle stone on your bare feet. You are always bare foot. You hate shoes and you never really wore them unless you were going outside or if you need to walk past sharp articles. Your mother did not care... mostly. She liked that you dressed formally. You just stook with Pyjamas which did not bug her.

You walk to the light and notice a door that you seen in the wine cellar. You push it open and you see your mother drinking wine humming the tune to what looks like... a baby? You go to her and she turns back. She doesn't see you for whatever reason and she turns her face back towards the baby. You walk over quietly and you see a baby girl. You stare at it's cute state and smile lightly. You then try to hold the baby's hand but then it starts crying. She turns over to you and you worry.

A Mother's Obsession | Lady Dimitrescu X Boy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now