Chapter 34

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It was a dark night and it was very quiet and cold. You actually decided to go up on the roof of the castle at nights when it was late to see the stars. Ever since you gained your wings and you had been tortured by Angie, you secretly fly up to the roof and lie there staring at the stars until you feel tiredness.

Does your mother know about this? No. You secretly go up to the roof after being sent to bed and your mother leaves you be to sleep and you lie on the roof for an hour before feeling sleepy and you get into bed.

This night however you get put to bed and you had your mother tuck you in and makes you feel nice and warm. She then looks around for potential threats of Angie and finds nothing.

"Alright, now it is safe for you to sleep. Goodnight my love!" She says before bending all the way down to give you a kiss on your cheek and then leaves to let you fall asleep.

You wait five minutes and then open the door to the balcony. You then get your wings out and fly up to the roof. You close the doors gently with the end of your left wing.

You lay yourself down onto the edge of the castle and stare into the sky. It had a lot of stars out and the clouds had fully faded. Your eyes reflect off the dim lighting and the sparkling stars and every blink caused the star lights to get brighter.

You then start to yawn and you form your tail and wrap yourself around you.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing up here?!" Your mother asks as she peaks from the window and you gasped and jump back.

You start to sweat in worry as you try to think of an explanation. "Come on now child, it is one in the morning and you should be in bed. Come here, I'll bring you back to bed." She says as she reaches out for you.

You then unform your dragon like body parts and you walk over to your mother's arms And you jump into her arms.

"Am I in trouble?" You question.

"No. I was just worried why you were gone and wondering why you are on the roof." She says as she walks over to your bedroom.

Before you went to sleep though, you could hear faint singing from the distance. It sounds like it was from a child who was traumatised by a certain event. Possibly from lycans.

The next night, you were being tucked into bed by your mother and she also checked the room again.

"Now my dear, I want you to go to sleep. I don't want to see you on that roof again. It is bed time." She warns you in a soft tone before kissing you goodnight.

You listen to the window of your room for that singing and you waited... and waited...

Then a slight voice from the far distance. You smile and make the bed look like you were in it before jumping out the window and forming the dragon wings slightly and kept the window barely open.

You fly towards the singing and you could hear it get clearer. You unform your wings and go into the shack the singing was located.

The song was being repeated by the lyrics and it sounded very strange of what the boy was singing. You could not see him at all but you could hear him.

The lyrics of the song was finally heard as you looked into the house further and you could see a light of red.

"A ten foot frame, a hat covers her face. When she calls your name, it ain't very based. When she sees your fears she feasts on your tears."

Was he singing about your mother?

He kept repeating the lyrics and you got further down into the shack basement which was enormous.

You then enter a little hole into a giant cave and there was a fire with pictures of the Dimitrescu crest and photos and drawings of your mother. You then finally see a silhouette of the child and he seemed to be dancing actively while singing.

You also noticed there was messages on the walls. "She stole my personality.", "I lost everything because of her." and "I have no life."

You felt sad for the child yet confused. Has he really met up with her in the past? You then step on a twig without knowing and he stopped and turned.

He then went from a child into... wait? IT WAS A TRAP!

"Sorry Mommy for sneaking out. I just wanted to know what that singing was." She then turns her head to the side and turns back into the boy.

"Are you one of those people in the village who has sexual feelings over Lady Dimitrescu and just want to..."

"Don't finish please and go on."

"Okay. What I am basically saying is are you a simp or could you be a new member of that family who took everything from me." He asks sitting on a rock.

You then scratch your head and look into his sorrow eyes. "What did she do to you to make you sing songs about her and have all these drawings and notes?" You question. He grabbed his cup of water and took a sip.

"Please... answer my question first kid." He asks looking down in sorrow.
You take a deep breath through your nose and got ready to answer.

"Yes. I am the new son of Dimitrescu. She saved my life from a van crash and made me into a completely new person. She never told me about you." You tell him.

He then widens his eyes. "Keep your mouth shut about me to your mother... UNDERSTAND!?" He says as he gets closer to you. You nod.

He then sighs before sitting down again. "Thanks kid." He says getting ready to explain.

"I was six years old..."

A Mother's Obsession | Lady Dimitrescu X Boy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now