Chapter 44

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You were in the study doing some work. You had to do some biology work for your mother who wanted you to learn off your flower studies.

You had to learn what a sunflower was, when it is good to grow them, how long they live for and where you can find wild ones.

You were just finishing up writing when Bela entered the room and sat beside you. "Brother. Mother said it is time for dinner now. Are you finished your homework yet?" She asks.

"No not yet Bela. I am just finishing up." You say as you are finishing writing about the location of the sunflowers.

You drop the pencil and she picks you up and brings you out to dinner. You bring the pages with you and when you were put on your chair, you gave your mother your work.

"Good boy. It's perfect." She says rubbing your head and cheek. She then grabbed the fork and got some of the food from the plate. "Alright now, open up dear."

You ate your dinner and you went to your playroom. You looked out the window however and you seen that boy you seen singing that song go out in the village scavenging the house.

You opened the window and waved at him. He looked and he waved back slightly. You close the window immediately before you got caught and got in trouble since opening the window is a major rule to not break.

You then turn and go to the wine cellar. Your mother was done there having a drink. You go to the door and try to open it. It was locked? That's odd. You then look upstairs and take the secret way in. You found it in a room full of dresses one time and you never took it.

You crawl down the ladder and then find the little hole that leads to it. She was sitting on her chair and she was holding a body from the hand. You crawl through the hall and see her. She is sucking blood from a woman.

You peep your head out from the hole which catches her eye as she is covered in blood. "(Y/n), what are you doing in here? I locked the door for you not to feel uncomfortable" She says dropping the corpse, walks over to you and picks you up from the hole.

You hug her making her laugh. "Oh. I see. You got bored and wanted some me and you time is it?" She says stroking your head and sits back down grabbing the arm again.

You spend a few hours together enjoying each other's company until you get a hearing of gun shots from above. Your mother also hears it. "Hm... men?" She says as she places you into her pouch.

As she enters, you could see some geared up men shooting at your sisters and then soon your mother. You though are still fragile and you don't regenerate. She kept her back facing forward while attacking. However, she ends up getting hit so hard on her back with bullets, she bends down too far and you end up falling out.

You then run for safety until you got snatched and put into a bag. You screamed in fear and you didn't know what to d... oh yeah, the nail. You extended your nail and tried to carve out until you were injected with a needle causing you to fall asleep.

Lady Dimitrescu (POV)

You and your daughters were having quite a fight with these guys. Looks like they came prepared. None of the bullets hit your walls or furniture thankfully and you only killed three. Most of them though started to run out of the house and you went out to them and seen a van and they had a sack with what seems to be cuts in it. You then get a thought. "(Y/N)!" You shout out.

The van begins to drive off and you immediately get very scared. You then seen a hand come out of the sack before the doors closed and you snapped. "YOU MONSTERS! I may have lost loved ones in the past and now I won't make that mistake again!"  You say angrily as you popped out your wings and started to chase the van.

(Y/N) (POV)

You wake up feeling weak. You could see from a window that you were in a van. "Sir, we got a member of the castle. We will bring the child to base now." Someone says in the van. You get out of the sack but then get pinged to the ground and get cuffed in chains making your attempts of escaping nearly zero.

You sit on the ground crying in fear. The van then gets whacked from the sides and you seen your mother with her dragon wings trying to tip over the van. You go up to the window but the soldiers pull you down to the floor.

Then one man gets the same gun that you were shot with and shoots your mother. She was tranquilised. "MOMMY!" You scream before being tazed. "You are making this harder for yourself." One of the soldiers tell you forcing you to stop.

You cradled yourself and started to cry as you were being driven away from home.

Lady Dimitrescu (POV)

You wake up in the middle of the night on the ground. You wake to your senses before realising...

You failed.

You might have lost another child. You begin to cry on the ground in pure guilt. "Hey sis, fuck you doing on the ground crying?" Heisenberg says as he walks over to you.

You obviously were not in the mood. "Listen... I may have lost your new nephew. Now may you do me a favour and... LEAVE ME ALONE!" You yell at his face.

"Oh shit... that's bad. If you want you could just... not be an idiot and follow those tracks. They could lead you to where your kid is." He says pointing at the tracks of the wheels.

You immediately sigh and crack your fists. "You, make sure your nieces are fine. I'll pay you later!" You say as you begin your way of where your missing son could be.


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