Chapter 43

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The dreams of your parents happen all the time in your head. Yes, Alcina welcomed you into a very nice family and became your mother who would protect you, feed you, clean you and care for you.

You knew you had parents and you are quite unsure why your father even threw you in that box at the orphanage years ago. You are only eight months living with the Dimitrescu family and yes, it is an improvement from that awful life you had but, you wish you could see your old mother.

Your mother knows how you feel and your thoughts since you shared them with her and she finds it quite upsetting for you to keep thinking about it. She always tries to make you think of the good improvements in being with her and your sisters and how they care and love you instead of that excuse of a father.

These thoughts have been making you feel upset but you always cheer up when you are with your family and playing with your toys.

You're quite the interesting child when it comes to memories because you could remember them and especially the final time you ever seen them. She was crying and your father dragged her to the car and drove off.

You are really unsure how this is possible for you to remember it but you just did.

However one day, you had been sitting in your room crying for the day. You had a dream about it and you kept away from your mother so she would not see you cry.

You were doing so well until she came in and seen you. You gasped and wiped your tears but your big puffy face and your emotional voice was still there.

She walked quickly towards you and picked you up. "Oh no! What's the matter baby?" She says cradling you to try relax you.

" old parents are haunting my dreams again... I.. wish I could see them and know them at least." You say sniffing and trying to get your breath back.

"This again? Oh dear, hush dear shhhhh. Shhhh." She says hushing you gently trying to relax.

You eventually relax after her beautiful voice calms you down and you go in for the supporting hug.

"I know dear. These dreams can be very difficult for you. Trauma isn't nice, and it is quite impressive how you could remember from that age." She says stroking your back.

"You did say your father threw you at the door of the orphanage when you were a baby right? Then he drove off? That is just awful. Just terrible and I am deeply sorry you had to go through that at that age. Was your mother upset?" She asks.

You then nod. "Aww. Is there anything I can do to help you get through this pain in your memory?" She asks trying to help her child get through such a tough situation.

You then respond in a very sorrow voice. "I don't know."

The doors of the castle open and you both turn your heads. "Well, let's get his out of the way first hm? We shall discuss about this later." She says before kissing your cheek and stuffing you in the pouch easily.

You then look through the front part of the pouch and seen through the fabric that the man looked like...




You pull on the front of your mother's dress and you tell her to hide.

"What's wrong?"

You then get full confidence to do it.
"That man looks like...

My dad."

Her anger grows strongly and she bites down hard on her teeth and her eyes looks very dangerous.

"You show him who is boss dear. Teach that man a lesson... Now. Its an order." She says demanding you to take down who possibly ruined your life.

A Mother's Obsession | Lady Dimitrescu X Boy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now