Chapter 64

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Okay here we go. This is the FINAL normal chapter. I have to say this before you start reading. Thank you all so much for staying tuned to this. As I go on to do my final exams next year and then going to college for animation to go to DreamWorks, I am going to be busy so this fanfic is ending way sooner for those reasons.

The next few chapters will be wrapping it all up. This is a request from OMEGA0002!

The day was nice and quiet. You had been coloring with Daniela since everyone else was busy and you had made a lovely picture. It was a drawing of a rose.

"My brother that's a lovely picture. Want to see what I have drawn?" She asks sweetly handing you her page. It was a lovely squirrel holding an acorn. (he looked familiar... Scrat maybe?)

"(Y/n), come here please. It's time for a bath!" Your mother says walking into the room preparing for a chase. You sigh and give yourself up. "Good boy." She says lifting you up.

"What we're you two doing anyways may I ask?" She asks you wondering what you were doing with Daniela. "Coloring!" Daniela says showing her the pictures.

"My those look lovely. They would look nice in your playroom!" Your mother says happily before taking you to your bath. She washed you and made you all nice and clean. She eventually had to put baby oil so she got to work until she heard gunshots.

"Not again. Dearest, I am sorry but mommy has to do something more important right now. I'll put it on once I'm done okay?" She says smiling. "Yes mommy." You say disappointingly.

She looked bad seeing how disappointed you are. "Hey, you will be as soft as a newborn in just a few minutes okay? Now can you stay here for me?" She asks getting up to her height and leaves the chambers.

You played with your toys until screaming of Daniela came out. You ran out of the chambers and looked through the window. The man was trying to hurt her. You wanted to help but... you got told to stay up here.

Then the moment your mother said, "Quickly, stay away from him.", you had to leave. You left the chamber area and went back into the castle. The man seemed to know what he was doing. He had oil, those bullets, and cold equipment. How did he know?

Then you remembered something. uh oh. You forgot to take your medicine! You then seen he attacks your sister to the ground and you got angry and ran up to him to attack him from behind. Just as you do, he throws a big wave of oil all over you. What made it worse, everyone seen you.


You laid on the floor. Your body was covered in black oil and it asorbed into your body and melted away flesh. He stood there. "Nice try kid." He says before going back to them.

You couldn't move. It was nothing but pain. You wanted to cry but you had something staged and didn't want to give it away. He went closer to them and at the right moment, your claws went out. Then...

You pounce onto his back and stab him in the back and he throws you to the ground. Your bones snapped as you landed on the ground but they regenerated and you kept going. Eventually, you pushed him through a hallways and he fell down in the mask room hitting at the door and you attacked him.

He punched you and dropped oil everywhere and you didn't stop. No.

He tried to puncture your heart but your mother's blood stopped it from getting damaged and everything was just bad for the man. You knew a way to kill him and you snapped your rib cage and impaled him with the sharp edge into the heart killing him.

Your anger was mad. You had never been this angry in all your life and you wanted nothing but revenge for harming your family. Blood dripped onto the stone like floor from the man and your melting body and you were in so much pain to the fact you couldn't walk. You only stood in that position and then you looked back at your family.

The pure shock and joy from your mother's face was enough to get you crying. Your mother immediately rushed over and picked your little melted and boney body off the floor and began cradling you while you were being poured with water to make yourself look the exact way you always did.

"I am so proud of you. You killed your first victim for us. You have seriously made me a proud mother. I knew you had it in you." She says stroking your head.

"You really are mommy's little baby killer just as I always wanted. I am so grateful you managed to kill someone with rage and protection. You not only saved me but you saved all of us. Thank you little one." She then kisses you gently as you cried slightly with pain.

A few minutes later, you were covered with baby oil and you were treated like a baby all day. You were cradled, winded and even got sung a lullaby by your mother before bed.

As you fell asleep you felt so good about yourself but also upset. Firstly, you were delighted you made everyone happy by killing that man who tried to kill everybody. Secondly, you didn't feel innocent anymore. Now you went from innocent until proven guilty to both guilty and innocent.

You just pray you don't kill again. However you got some future sightings of something and you screamed in your sleep about how sad it was.

"(Y/n)! What's wrong? IS IT THAT DAM DOLL AGAIN?" Your mother rushes in to see if you were okay. "Mommy... I WANT TO SLEEP WITH YOU. I HAD A TERRIBLE NIGHTMARE! WAAAAAAAAAAA!" You cried before being snatched and bounced in your mother's arms.

"Hush now darling. Don't worry, I don't mind. Come now, let's get you in my big bed." She says taking you in as you cried your heart out. When you arrived, she had you close to her and whispered you to hush, and stroked your head gently and managing to get you to sleep twenty five minutes later.

This was the start of something that could or will break up the Dimitrescu Family into pieces.

Only time will tell if that future sight will end up being true.

To be continued...

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