Chapter 66

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Today was all dark and grey and you were playing in your room waking up from sleeping on your mother last night. However you decided to get up by yourself this morning and then you seen everyone up and awake.

"Morning brother!" Daniela says swarming and picking you up as you entered the room. "Ah, he's up. Come here dear, it's time for your breakfast." Your mother says walking over and taking you from Daniela's arms before she pulled you back. "Can I bring him?" She asked sweetly.

"I don't see why not." Your mother then says shoving her shoulders in the air before you all went into breakfast. After you had breakfast, you were placed in your Playroom and you were left to play.

For hours you played happily without a care in the world. Until you got a headache. This headache was pretty strong since it was a warning. It unfortunately got you really good and you couldn't move since it was so painful. After it stopped, you looked out the window and then got a vision of intruders. "Perfect!" You say evily laughing and getting your claws out.

You open the front door and see a net come right to the door. You closed it half way to avoid getting caught.
"Mommy! There is man-things!"

"Coming dragon hatchling." Your mother calls and walks up to the door and sees you all prepared. "Come on, make mama proud and kill them." She says scratching your back with her nails gently.

The first one came in and shot your mother with one of those bullets and then you got attacked with a net. "Ahh!" You scream as she looks up from being knocked to the floor.

You got lifted up from the floor and you were taken away. "Not so fast!" She screams and gets up and starts to go after the the men before being shot again. You used your nails and cut through the rope and escaped running to your mother on the ground.

"Mommy, I will help you back into the ca-AAAHH!" You say before being snatched and get your hands tied up and brought into a van.

"Mommy!!!!" You scream before she angrily gets up and slams her fist until the ground and secretly flies towards the van trying to sneak attack them. You were stuck in the van crying and scared as the men were dressed in very tough armor before an injection got impailed into your arm.

You screamed as loud as you could making the flying mother behind the van ANGRY and upset. All of a sudden, you felt weak and you felt different... almost like yourself from the past. You tried to read the future but you couldn't. You tried to extend your nails, but nothing was happening.

You tried to lunge forward to be impailed with the injection again but failed falling to the floor and you were kept down on the ground. Eventually after an hour of driving, you arrived to an airport next to a plane.

It was all true. Your one nightmare about getting kidnapped on a plane was all real. You had one hope left. Will she come and slaughter everyone and save you from the plane or will this be the last time you will ever get to see her.

Then the van stopped and you were picked up and you came across this big man. Not as big as your mother but he had guns. It was scary. "Hey kid, listen to me. We get it, you are scared but that woman is too dangerous. We are trying to save you from her." He says walking up and taking your from the other man's hands.

"I WANT MY MOMMY!" You scream kicking in his arms and try to stuggle, he was very strong. "Kid, she isn't a good mother, she is a dangerous beast and she could have killed you. We will get you a new one." He says before bring you into the plane the sounds of blood squishing could be heard from behind and you tried to squirm but you got thrown into a cage.

"This is for your own good kid. Trust me." He says walking away to the pilot area of the plane. You burst into tears trying to get your mother's attention. Eventually, you seen the familiar shadow appear and she seen you in the cage.

"(Y/n)! It's okay dearest, I am right here. I'll get you out right now!" She says before slashing one of the locks before being surrounded by the men before that man came out from the cockpit. "Stop it Alcina, there is no point. He is going somewhere better instead of you poisoning his mind with awful stuff. Now fuck off." He says making her scared. She did not know what to do.

She couldn't dragon out because if she did, it wouldn't be a secret, she could not attack because they would open fire and she could not move. "F... f... f... f..." she kept going on. She tried to say something and you were hoping she would say, "Fools, I tricked you and your gasoline is on fire." You just prayed...


"Fine. You win."

You heart shattered to pieces. "NO MOMMY NO!" You screamed reaching out for her. She looked down and upset. "Just... before you disgusting bastards take him... can I just get something for him and say something?" She asks.

"No." One of the men shouted. That other man though stood there and then looked at your puffy face reaching for her in sadness and shock. You couldn't believe she was actually giving you up. "Yeah, you can. You have an hour and a half." He says letting her leave. It took an hour and twenty minutes and she finally arrived with a sack. It was filled with your soft toys. "These are his favourite toys." She says before one of the men took it off her and they poured them into you cage.

She then walked over and she went in and hugged you. "I... I am so sorry I have to do this little one. I... am not only caring about myself but you also have sisters. If I died and you were taken, they would not last long. I want you all with me but there is no other way." Tears then began to fill her eyes. "I am not impressed. I don't want to let you go... I DONT WANT YOU TO GO! I AM SO SORRY. I FAILED AS A MOTHER!" She says sobbing into you who was also sobbing.

You kept hold of each other for as long as you could and when it was time to go, she took of her rose that represented you, and she gave it to you. Keep this to remember me... please." She begs crying. "But... you won't have anything to remember me by Mommy... I WANT THAT!" You cry your heart out. "I do... I still have  your little tooth. I will keep it right up to my heart in a handkerchief. I promise." She says before stepping out and walks out. She was sobbing her eyes out as the doors closed and you could not handle it as the plane started to move. You broke out and slashed three guards with a knife you found only to be hit across the face with a gun.

"QUIT IT KID! BACK NOW!" The soldier screams at you and grabs your hand very tightly making it purple and throws you back into the cage. The plane was now going up and you cried yourself to sleep.

Everything you loved was now...


Goodbye Mommy, Danny, Cassy and Belly.

A Mother's Obsession | Lady Dimitrescu X Boy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now