Chapter 28

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The drips of blood have been all over the floor. You woke up earlier this morning to the dungeons and have practiced using your nail to defend yourself. All of those monsters were hiding from you after you killed nine of them.

Your bare feet we're very cold and covered with the blood of the monsters. You did not inform your mother about you practicing but you were worried what would happen.

It would end in either two ways. She would be very happy... or she would be angry and would keep you by her side all day.

You walked up gentley and your nail was cutting through the stone walls as you entered her little wine room and then went to the main room. The blood was gone from underneath your feet.

You heard your name being echoed quietly in the halls as you arrived and seen her look around.

"Y/n. Where have you been and why do you have blood all over you?" She questions walking over.

"I...I...I...I..." You mumbled. She then noticed your nail looked scraped.

"Did you practice defending yourself?" She knew exactly what you have been doing. Now what will the end result be?


She was tearing with a little smile. "Good boy."

Your fears of being in trouble faded away nice and easily. She lifted you up to her side and she started to lick the blood off your face and shoulders. It tickled and you started to giggle.

She then started to poke you as she got her little snack off your face to make you laugh even more. You begged her to stop and she did not listen until every drop of blood was gone. You had some of her saliva on your face.

"They make quite a taste but it is also nice to have a pinch of y/n's sweet little face to make it taste better." She giggled teasing you.

"Mother. Why so joyous today?" Cassandra asked as she entered the room.

"Your little brother was just practicing how to protect himself down in the cellars. I am so glad he did it successfully." She says putting you down onto the floor.

They all smile at you as you look up at them. You feel a little charm in their eyes looking all the way down to you being the smallest in the family.

This makes your cheeks light up which causes them all to laugh.

"Alright little one, Let's go get you some breakfast." She says as she opens the door to the dining room and pointing towards the room.

You simply walk into the room and she follows behind.

"So. What made you go down there and practice sweetheart? Was it from the other day when one almost harmed you again?" Your mother says as she grabs your breakfast from a tray and places it in front of you. You nod.

She feels impressed how that you went down there to fight them just from the other day. She knows how scared you are of those beasts in the dungeons lurking for blood and flesh.

"While I am happy you did such a brave thing, they can be dangerous and just think. What if you get stuck and there are a lot of them and you were stuck and I wasn't there, what would you do?" She says as she sits down near you.

She then takes a breath and then smiles lightly.

"Just let me know next time okay?" She says as she rubs your cheek and then sips some of her wine.

This message of letting her know all the time of your training is sort of a let down. You were supposed to be defending for yourself if someone tried to harm you. You did not need her to go down and help when you were stuck but she also does make a good point.

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