Chapter 21

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The evening was quiet. The only thing everyone heard was the whistling wind from the outside. Your sisters are playing draughts and you were lying on your mother's lap as she was reading a book.

The fire was crackling lightly in the peaceful silence and the slight sound of moving wood was heard as each of your sisters took turns taking a move. The only other noise you could hear was your hair being rubbed.

You could feel the soft fabric of your mother's dress with her leathery gloves that you could feel on your scalp as it ran through your hair. The temperature was just right and everyone you love was either right beside you or nearby.

You snuggle in further into her legs, close your eyes and smile. She then looks down at you and smiles back. "I am so grateful to have at least one good little man thing." She whispers as she doesn't want to ruin the silence and she starts to rub your head more gently.

You all hear a loud knock on the door. "If this is Heisenberg..." Your mother then says angrily. She then moves you off her lap and onto the sofa and walks to the door. You then rub your eyes with a bit of tiredness.

"Y/n. Mother Miranda is here to see you." Your mother says as she enters with Miranda coming in. She had some bag with her and it seems to have some equipment in it.

She takes off her mask and looks you in the eyes. "Hello little one. I am not preforming any sort of surgery, I am just going to see how you are doing." She says as she grabs a little metal object. She places it on your wrist and holds it there for a few seconds. She says some strange things that are like notes to her.

She then grabs your ankle and does the same thing. "He is fine Alcina. No problems with his organs or diseases and he is running normal." He informed your mother as she watches. She then gets up, bows and leaves.

"Sorry my dearest. May we continue our bonding time?" Your mother says as she sits down. You get onto her lap lying on your belly and snuggle into her. She could not help but smile with awe. You close your eyes as she rubs your back. "They are so cute together." Bela says as she takes a turn. "Like mother and son but closer." Daniela says as she touches her heart as she watches Cassandra look at you and your mother before taking a turn.

Your mother then looks at your sisters. "You know I love the three of you as much as your little brother? He needs more attention from me as much as you girls do." She says as she thinks they think you get more love then them.

"All four of you children are my prized possessions. I love all of you very much." She says with a smile.
She then grabs her book and starts to rub your back gently once again.

You then feel like your about to sleep and you start to curl yourself on her. She then starts to giggle. "What are you doing y/n?" She asks chuckling to you being just adorable. You then mumble something. "Tired." You then pass out.

She then sighs happily. "Rest now little one." She whispers as she lies down on the couch, puts you on her belly and puts a blanket on you. "Mother. Didn't you say it was impolite to lay on the chair?" Cassandra whispers. She nods but makes a glance at your sleeping body.

She puts her arms on you to keep you secure as you peacefully rest on her belly with your head almost hanging down from her side. "Children are so cute." She says as she places your head back onto her.

Her breathing slowly bounces you up and down but had no disruption to your sleep. Your mother closes her eyes and smiles.

She feels so relaxed to have her little boy sleeping on her happily with his soft and quiet snores, the heat he is giving her and that he is drooling slightly.

Daniela goes over to you. "Should I take him to your or his room?" She asks looking down at you. "Leave him. He wants to sleep on me. I am also comfortable having him rest on me." She whispers to her.

A Mother's Obsession | Lady Dimitrescu X Boy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now