Chapter 54

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You felt a bit uneasy today. You're emotions have been playing up a bit over a big thought. You didn't know why you were thinking this thought and you wanted it to stop.

You knew the thought but you couldn't explain it properly to yourself. You had tried everything to stop it. You tried coloring, you tried stress hugs, you tried playing with your toys, you tried reading, and basically everything you could do.

You felt like talking about it to everyone but you felt like you wanted to do it separately. You wanted to start with your sisters since they too listened to your problems and all that because big sisters as you heard from the orphanage as well as big brothers, are the best people you could talk to about your feelings.

You looked around the castle and found Cassandra sadistically skinning a humans hand which whom was killed by her after a lucky trick shot of throwing her sickle onto a board and it then boomeranged into her head.

"Cas... cas... Cassandra." You called her from the halls as she turned back towards you. She covered the body with a giant fabric sheet and walked towards you softly.

"Hello brother. What's wrong brother dear?" She asks nicely wiping blood off her chest with her cloak.

"I... I have an urge to talk to you about my own feelings and thoughts." She then frowned and she picked you up. "Sure thing, what's been going on inside brother?" She asks looking at you looking down.

"I have a feeling that one day, I may be far away from this place and from all of you. I am scared about the future."

Her eyes widened at what you said. She felt very sorry for you dearly. "Aww. Brother, That’s not really a nice thing to think about. Poor you. You will never leave us. You are one of us after alll." She says kissing your head and cheeks and then hugging you tight.

After a few moments, she let's you off. "Now brother, remember. That will never happen. Sometimes your visions could be tricks so keep that in mind." She says blowing you a kiss and then she continues her work.

You then went to Bela, she did the exact same thing but she was cleaning. She liked cleaning the place because it was 'fun' and when the maidens were in the castle, she was mesmoriesd by it.

You said the exact same thing and as soon as you said 'away from the others', she snatched you, sat on the chair and held you tight. She also tried to sing the tune your mother hummed to you. Her voice wasn't as elegant as your mother's but it still was nice.

"Brother, shh... It's okay. I understand that. I have had that thought when I was younger. It is a sad one but it will never happen. Mother would never, EVER let that happen to you or yours truly. Oh yeah and the others too." She says making you laugh slightly.

She then kissed your head and put you down. "I have to finish this and then I have other chores to do brother. If you ever want to talk to me, let me know okay?" She asks giving you a warm smile to ease your head.

You nod and walk off.

Now it was Daniella's turn. You had a very close connection with her other than your mother because she was always there for you even in the stupidest of times.

She was reading in the library and when you went in, she looked up from her book smiled, marked her book, got off her chair and walked over towards you.

"Well, isn't it my favourite little one. Come to Dannie!" She says picking you up with joy spreading around her and tried to make you smile.

She noticed how you were sad and she then sat down with you on the chair. "Do you need to spill the beans about your own feelings and thoughts?" She asks stroking your head and looking after you carefully. When you told her about your worries of possibly going away from the family forever, she started to cry but not out loud, she always gets upset when you are upset. It is really upsetting to see her own little baby brother get upset.

"Aww, now you are making me cry. You will never leave us. We won't let that happen. Especially when you are in the arms of mother. She will never let that happen. You were kidnapped and look where you are now. If she didn't save you, you would be either dead or would be suffering for the rest of your life. You will never leave us. We are just too good on keeping you safe here in this castle. Not many children do get to live in a big fancy castle. Hmm?" She says to you making you snuggle into her. The sounds of her heartbeat put you at ease more.

"What are you two doing?" Your mother asks entering the room. She then sensed something was either wrong or up.

"(Y/N), what's the matter?" She asks feeling worried.

"He is getting feelings that he will be taken away from us or he will never see us again one day."

Her eyes widened and she walked over and she took you from Daniella. "What has gotten you to think that now dearest?" She asks stroking your head.

Your eyes began to get all watery and your bottom lip began to bounce up and down very quickly and you slammed your face onto her chest and let your tears out.

"Shh... it's okay now dearest. Let all your emotions out. Mommy is here. You are not going anywhere ever, You have my full word. Shhh.... shhh.... shhh...." she coos gently trying to make you stop crying.

Both girls did everything they could to get you to calm down. You were face-planted in her chest for minutes. She couldn't care less, she just wanted you to feel safe, know that you are never going to leave, and that the person you looked up to the most and is the one person you could heavily trust was right in front of you and was surrounding you.

"You will never leave me. Even in my death if it ever gets to that stage, I will be holding your hand as my soul leaves my body. I will never let you go, even if it is for you to have a good life.
Mommy loves you so much." She says hugging you closer and making sure you felt more safe than you already were.

"(Y/N), are you feeling better now? Do you want to have mommy son time?" Your mother protectivly asks you in her motherly voice. You lift your head from her right breast and nod.

"Come on then little one, let's find something we both enjoy doing." She says leaving Daniella in the library alone and she continued her book.

The day went on normally after that but you didn't know how you got that thought in your head.

Your mother did everything she could to make sure you don't end up crying or feeling upset again.

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