|-Chapter 55-|

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{(Note: Uhm... I royally fucked up... I was reading my notes in my first google docs (I have three, one for all the chaps that are out 1-47, one for the ones that aren't out 48-?, and one to write in) I have notes in all of them and I haven't been in that first one for a while soo... Hisashi was supposed to be AFO's assistant, not AFO himself. It doesn't make sense for him to be the guy himself the way I've written him... Fuck it, I ain't rewriting this so you and I are just going to have to suck it up. Sorry loves.

Also- Idk how I ended up making Shiggy more of a bad guy than OFA? Is that the vibe you guys get too is that just me being weird?)}

Himiko whimpered as Katsuki threw her by the back of her neck.

"You told me they were hurt," Katsuki spoke lowly, glaring down at her.

"She said-"

"I could have had that rat groveling at my knees beggin' for fucking mercy by now, but you just had to waste my time with all this nonsense. Tch," Katsuki ignored the hurt look on Himiko's face, leaving the room.

Though, he quickly turned his ass back around, stomping back into the room.

"Who the fuck bruised up?" Katsuki growled at her and Himiko looked at him with tears falling down her face.

"Shig-Shigaraki... He got angry at me and- yeah." She pointed to her bruises and Katsuki growled angrily. This little shit was really getting on his nerves, messing with the people closest to him.

He quickly swiveled out of the room and grunted as his phone rang. He smiled slightly when he saw the caller ID, shoving himself in the 'boss's office' for privacy before answering.

"Hey, baby bunny." He answered the phone swiftly and reveled in the soft noise Izuku made on the other side of the line, all anger dissipating. "What's up beautiful?"

Katsuki could imagine Izuku's blush. "K-Kacchan! Stop it." He sounded flustered, cute. "I miss you." He spoke softly, his voice wavering sadly.

"Ask your question you little manipulative brat," Katsuki smirked as he heard the boy's little giggle on the other side of the line.

"Hehe, okay. Soo- Ocha got me some chocolates for doing a hardcore workout with her earlier and~..." Izuku trailed off.

"Oh? What'd you do?" Katsuki was curious now. He leaned against the wall as he spoke with Izuku.

Izuku groaned from the other side of the line. "It was so hard Kacchan!" He whined and Katsuki chuckled. "She made me run until I thought my kidneys were going to jump out of my body! And then we did so many abs workouts, I swear if I don't have abs in the morning I'll never work out again!" Izuku huffed cutely and Katsuki couldn't help but grin.

"Well, wouldn't eating chocolate reverse your ab workouts?" Katsuki teased and Izuku frowned.

"Oh, yeah..." He suddenly sounded so dejected.

Katsuki cursed himself for saying that.

"But I think a few would be okay, yeah?" Katsuki hoped that made him feel better.

"No you're right, it'd probably ruin the whole point of even working out. I'm trying to lose the fat, not keep it on." Izuku sighed on the other side.

Katsuki was punching his own internal face right now, he had sounded so excited.

"Talk like that about yourself again and I'm gonna shove you in a closet and not cuddle you for a whole we- three days." At Izuku's horrified gasp Katsuki smiles a small smile. "Okay maybe I won't lock you in a closet but no cuddles for three days."

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