|-Chapter 22-|

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(Note: !Trigger Warning! Explicit Threats.)

Katsuki was about to walk into the reinforced building when he was harshly tackled and fell. He looked up to see a crazed smiling girl, straddling his lap. He scowled at her and raised his hand to blast her off but he was suddenly falling again. Izuku was now on his side because he didn't want to fall on him. He saw them become surrounded by purple before his vision went black.

Katsuki woke up groggily, going to rub his eyes but his hands were restrained. He roughly tugged on his arms, trying with his legs and getting the same result. He went to move his head but felt the chain on his neck. His initial instinct was to get this shit off of him but then he realized.

Where was bunny?

He acted out widely when he couldn't see Izuku anywhere. He started snarling and trying to rip himself from the chains. His left eye changed to a deep purple color and he became even more aggressive. He tried again and ripped the chains from the wall, yanking his legs up and using his arms to rip the collar off of his neck. The metal slightly cut his throat as it broke but he didn't care. His mind was set on getting to Izuku.

He was about to storm out of the room but two people came in, spraying some kind of gas to make Katsuki physically calm down, mostly. His mind and emotions were a mess. He was pissed off and ready to rip someone's throat out.

He felt his body fall limp to the ground and the people around him were hurrying because they knew it would wear off soon. They didn't chain him up again, just propped him up against a wall in the corner.

Katsuki started moving his hand slowly and small pops were heard, scaring the workers into running back to the door, closing it, and locking it.

Suddenly a screen lit up across from him. He looked up to see the man that was at the top of the villain's food chain.

All For One.

Katsuki snarled at the screen, the man was silently staring at him, as if waiting for something. The man sighed quietly and spoke in an authoritative tone.

"I am All For One, the leader of the League of Villains." The villain crossed his hands in his lap and stared at the screen.

Katsuki rolled his eyes, 'I already knew that dumbass, seriously you would think the leader would be the smart one.' He thought to himself.

"Hello! I am the guy you kidnapped." Katsuki said in a mock-cheery voice before going to a straight face.

The man would have smirked if he had a face.

"Aren't you-" He started.

"I don't give a shit. Where is Izuku." He didn't ask, he threatened as his left eye flickered from his dark red to dark purple.

AFO was intrigued by this but saw what Katsuki did before.

"He's in a room, someone, by his lonesome. Should I send someone to-"

"Fuck off Douche, I'll break down your shitty walls if we are not together in the next thirty seconds!" Katsuki growled at the man who just pressed a button calmly before staring at Katsuki silently.

The door was opened and Katsuki took a step until he saw his bunny... Passed out in someone else's arms.

He saw red. He sprinted to the door and the person just threw Izuku in before slamming the door and locking it. Katsuki was pissed and only barely managed to catch Izuku before he hit the ground. Izuku groggily opened his eyes to see Katsuki looking down at him.

"Oh Kacchan!" Izuku cried. "I woke up and no one was there and then someone came in wearing gloves and a white mask and then I couldn't see anything and I couldn't find you and I-" Izuku broke off sobbing, clutching onto Katsuki tightly.

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