|-Chapter 24-|

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"Why are you here, Hisashi?"

Hisashi smiled fakely. "Can't I just want to visit my family that I haven't seen in years?" He asked connivingly.

Inko wanted to snap at him but she bit her tongue because she knew he got mixed in with some bad stuff but she didn't want anything to do with it. So Inko just simply glared at him.

"I don't want you involving my boys in your mischief." She said with a small glare.

Hisashi smirked. "Oh, I'm not going to do anything. Promise, Inko. Just came to tell you I'll be staying here in town for a long time."

Inko felt a cold rush down her spine but she tried to look unaffected.

"Okay? I don't see why I would need to know that." Inko narrowed her eyes and frowned.

"Well in case, I don't know, my son would want to see me for any reason. You know, maybe because he misses his father?" Hisashi looked at her knowingly.

She glanced to the side, looking out the window for a brief moment.

'Katsuki will figure him out and won't let Izuku anywhere near him.' She thought to herself comfortably. "If he brings it up but seeing as he hasn't I don't think he will. He's all good here with me, Hisashi." She spoke in an icy tone, slightly throwing Hisashi off guard before he just smiled.

"That's the Inko I remember." He said with a mocking smile, setting his teacup down and buffing his shirt with his hands. "I'll take my leave now Inko, but just remember I'm going to be around." He walked to the door and winked at her before leaving.

Once the door shut, Inko ran to it and locked it, her body sagging against the door. She sighed and tried to keep her tears at bay.

Katsuki quietly stood up from his position against the wall before silently going back to Izuku's room. Katsuki had always been a light sleeper so when he heard voices he went to investigate. He watched Inko's reaction to this man and put the pieces together.

This man, who Inko hadn't seen in 15-16 years, was Izuku's father.

Katsuki crawled back into bed where Izuku had a troubled expression in his sleep from being alone. He immediately sighed in content once Katsuki's arm wrapped around him. He subconsciously cuddled into Katsuki and huffed in pleasure before going silent again.


The classroom was chaotic when they arrived the next day. But it wasn't the usual chaotic, no, everyone was silent. Even the Bakusquad.

"Okay this is fucking creepy. As much as I hate your annoying ass voiced this is fucking weird." Katsuki spoke, breaking the class from their collective trance. Multiple people screamed Katsuki's and Izuku's names before running up to them, others stayed in their seats and Iida went to go find Aizawa.

"Okay guys cool it, the fuck. We weren't even gone that long." Katsuki huffed as he pushed his way through the crowd, Izuku in his hold.

"No we're- Ura, we're oka- No we aren't hurt- Yes- No- Wait what-" Izuku was trying to answer questions but he was becoming overwhelmed and kept getting cut off.

"Hey hey! Give him some space would yah'? You're stressing him out!" Katsuki yelled at his classmates, shooing them away with his hands. Once everyone was at least five feet away Katsuki took Izuku into his hold and led him to the desks.

Aizawa came into the room, Iida followed and he scanned the room looking for the two boys. He sighed before calling out to them.

"Boy's come with me." Aizawa told them but Katsuki just stayed in his seat, pushing Izuku back down when he went to get up. Izuku gave him a confused look before just going with it and sending an apologetic glance towards the teacher.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow. "Now."

Katsuki shook his head, making straight eye contact with Aizawa.

"Okay, then why don't you tell the entire class what happened?" Aizawa bit out angrily, not thinking he would actually do it.

"Okay." Katsuki shrugged. "Got kidnapped, seperated, reunited, sent Izuku to the bathroom, threatened AFO, left the building, got in the car, got dropped off." Katsuki explained simply in a bored tone and cocked his eyebrow.

Aizawa put his hands out waving them. "Okay wait. WHy didn't you go to the police? And All For One?? ALso he just let you go? How did you threaten him?"

He nodded. "That's what I said, yeah. Do you really wanna know?" Katsuki smirked darkly.

Aizawa gave him an unamused expression, making a hand gesture as if to tell him to go on.

"Okay well, Izu cover your ears, I basically told him off. Told him I would cut off his dick, have someone fuck him with it, and the shove it down his throat if he didn't send one of his bitchass workers to let us out. Called him a dumbass and verbally defiled him. And told him I wasn't takin' none of his shit." Katsuki explained with a straight face.

Classmates with dicks looked at him in horror, while others either looked impressed or scared.

Aizawa had his mouth slightly open before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Katsuki looked behind him and made a gesture so Izuku could remove his hands.

Izuku looked around the room and then at Katsuki, who had a blank face as if he just told someone their shoe was untied.

"I don't wanna know..." Izuku mumbled, looking around again.

"I know stupid." Katsuki rolled his eyes, smiling quickly at his bunny.

"You- I-" Classmates stuttered around him.

"I don't think he'll be fucking with me or my shit anytime soon." Katsuki smirked proudly.

"Okay..." Aizawa started with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I would tell you to watch your profanity but seeing as you're, well you, it wouldn't do anything. I... am going to sleep so have a free period I guess."

Some classmates cheered quietly while others were still in shock.

Katsuki took Izuku out to the cherry blossom tree and tugged him down to sit with him.

Here's the start of the next seven months he has with Izuku. He had better make it count..

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