|-Chapter 17-|

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The boys haven't told anyone about the incident. Izuku pleaded Katsuki not to because he didn't want Katsuki to get caught. A week had passed and today was the day they chose their hero names. The field trip was also planned to be this week.

Izuku was ecstatic. He had put a lot of thought behind his name and was sure of it. He hoped Kacchan liked it as much as he did.

"Okay class." Aizawa spoke, the students quickly going silent. Previous encounters with Aizawa's scarf frightened them.

"Today, Pro Hero's Midnight and Mirko will be here this morning to help guide you to pick you future pro hero names." Aizawa explained tiredly, He gestured to the two women at the front before nodding to them and crawling into his sleeping bag.

"Ok so!" Midnight started, clapping her hands. "Morning to you all. As Aizawa-San explained, we will be here to help you pick out your hero names!" She finished, swinging her flogger in circles.

"Remember, the names you choose now could possibly stick with you for life." Mirko helpfully butts in.

Everyone was handed a whiteboard and a marker.

"We'll give you ten minutes and start picking people, sound okay?" Midnight asked the class.

She got a lot of nods and some unsure looks. Because who can think of a name they want to stick to for life in only ten minutes?

Izuku could.

He wrote down his name and placed his board upsidedown. He looked around the class for a second, taking in the people who had their boards down like him and the others who were still trying to think. Since Katsuki was in front of him, he couldn't try to peek. But Izuku could sneak a peek at his board.

Izuku snickered lightly, plopping down in his seat quickly as Katsuki turned around to look at him. He looked down quickly trying not to laugh. Katsuki's name was just so... Katsuki. Katsuki growled lowly before turning back around and Izuku hid his giggles.

"Okay! Times up. Anyone ready yet?" Mirko asked the class, checking a stopwatch from her pocket. Izuku was ready, but he didn't want to be the first one so he didn't raise his hand.

Mineta raised his hand quickly, ogling the women at the front of the class.

"I'm ready miss's!" He said with a lot of excitement and a little bit of a lisp.

"Sure. Come to the front and display your board." Midnight spoke.

Mineta did as she said, looking her up and down as he passed her before whistling. Mirko grimaced and stomped her foot, shaking him off balance.

'Grape juice' The board read. "I chose this name because my quirk is sticky balls. Grape juice is sticky, and the ladies call me a grape. So, I'm a snack." Mineta spoke, winking to the two women.

Mirko frowned deeply. Midnight smiled. "Good name! You can sit down now."

Next up was Shoto. His board read, 'Shoto'.

"A-Ahh?! Just your name? Or you sure Todoroki?"

Shoto nodded before leaving the pedestal and sitting back in his seat.

Katsuki was up next. His board read 'Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight'.

"That's a bit of a mouthful aint it?" Mirko asked, squinting at the boldly written letters.

"Points for creativity though!" Midnight pitched in.

"Try again, too aggressive." Mirko spoke, waving her hand.

Katsuki grunted and stomped back to his seat.

More students went up, got criticized, and went back to their seats. A few students had to rewrite their answers or some were just stuck still thinking.

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