|-Chapter 34-|

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(Note: !!!Trigger Warning!!! If you have a knife/degradation/gore/bondage kink... welp.)

Katsuki pulled her by her hair and she whined but followed obediently. Dropping her, she gasped as she hit the ground.

"B-Bakugou?" She said in shock. "Why did you do this?" She looked around, they were in a dusty classroom.

He didn't say anything, just circled her. She stilled in fear as she felt something sharp caress the nape of her neck. She felt her leg throb in pain and she gasped.

"It wasn't a dream! Y-you..." Her voice shook.

Katsuki chuckled from behind her and she whipped around to see what he was doing. She felt something dig into her neck slightly as she spun, the spot turning cold. She jumped off the desk and backed up, looking at him.

She just cut herself and didn't know it. Katsuki wanted to see how this would play out.

"I-... I'll scream!" She threatened shakily as he took sturdy steps towards her.

He stopped in front of her, knife behind his back.

"Do it." He whispered threateningly, playing with the knife behind his back as his eyes gleamed with a playful shine.

"I'm sorry!" She felt compelled to say, remembering what he had said before. "Let me go and I won't go anywhere near Mido-ch- him... I won't tell anyone, please!" She pleaded, her hands shaking.

He frowned, pulling the knife out in front of him and the girl tensed. He ghosted his finger over the blade.

"Oh but, who will I play with then?" He batted his eyelashes innocently, continuing to play with the knife. He walked to her and she backed up, hitting a wall. He put a hand up, blocking her in.

He ran the knife over her arm teasingly, running it down her body and onto her displayed legs. She shivered and choked back a fear-filled gasp.

"P-please..." She whimpered.

He just looked at her, scanning her face before smiling and shaking his head.

"You touched my claim.." He said and her body dropped.

He took the knife to her sock-covered shins and stabbed them, twisting the knife. He covered her mouth as she screamed, muffling it. He smiled in delight as she squirmed and tried to get away from him.

She stops as if noticing something and Katsuki looks at her petrified expression as blood runs down her neck.

Katsuki stands, pushing her body down with his foot when she tried to get up.

"Scream and I'll break your neck." Katsuki grimaced at her and she shook her head. He placed his shoe on the side of her face and pushed, he heard a small crack as her head whipped to the side and her jaw was smashed into the ground. She let out a pitiful sound and Katsuki re-gripped his knife.

"You're pretty in a girl kinda way." Katsuki scoffed. "I don't like girls though." He said and joined the knife and her upper thigh.

Raiden bit her cheek in pain and felt blood rush over her tongue.

He brought the knife towards her other thigh and she readied herself for the pain but it didn't come.

Katsuki looked thoughtful as he looked at her leg and he suddenly smirked evilly.

"Why don't I write something on you?" He asked out loud, but she couldn't respond. She let out sharp sounds through the pain but Katsuki just pushed his food harder against her face.

He nods to himself. "Hmm... What should I write?" He asked thoughtfully.

"Ouu~!" He shouted and Raiden felt her body flinch.

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