|-Chapter 37-|

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{(Note: Posting a day earlier than planned because I got excited. TvT)}

It was Tuesday, presumably the least expected day of the week for an attack. Students were in classes and the front gates were blown open.

Before now, Dynamite has not made a proper appearance. People started rumors and knew about him, but today was Katsuki's first day in public like this. It was thrilling.

Security alarms screeched through the halls and shooting sounds were heard, a defense mechanism of the school.

Toga skipped beside Katsuki and Shigaraki was on the other side. Dabi was beside Toga and Twice was beside Shigaraki. {(The urge I had to just call him Shiggy *facepalm*)} Looking at their formation you would assume Katsuki was the leader. He wasn't, well- not formally titled the leader at least.

Katsuki strode towards UA's main door with confidence, smirking darkly as Toga snickered beside him.

"Let's get this shit started." He waved a hand in the air, crackling it and running his tongue over his teeth.

They started running and UA's doors flew open. Many pro heroes stood in fighting stances and Katsuki scanned them all before seeing that Eraser hadn't made it yet.

Some of the heroes looked confused at the leading villain, as Katsuki was wearing a mask and his villain costume.

Katsuki signaled Twice and he created copies of himself to fight the pros as Katsuki, Toga, and Shigarki snook off. Dabi stayed with Twice to fend off the pros.

As the small group surveyed the halls, they hid from any hero who ran down the hall to join the fight, almost getting caught by a few idiotically curious students on the way.

They made it to Nezu's office and Katsuki directed Shigaraki and Himiko to the room next door that held all the information they needed, across from it was the security room.

Katsuki prepared himself before he barged into Nezu's office, ready to become a distraction. As much as Nezu looked and acted like he wasn't a threat, he very much was.

Katsuki slammed the door closed and stood there with his arms crossed.

Nezu slowly turned in his chair, a teacup in his hands as usual, with a polite smile on his face.

"Welcome, Dynamite. It's so nice to finally meet you." Nezu spoke politely. "Please, have a seat."

"No," Katsuki grunted out, his voice changer activating. "Your teachers are out there fighting, why aren't you?" He took a few steps closer.

"They can handle your team. Is there any business you had with me, Dynamite?" Nezu lowered his teacup, flattening out his vest.


Izuku jumped at the sound of the alarms and immediately grew tense.

He and his peers were calmly (calmly being used very loosely) out into the halls and towards the dorms. Aizawa lead them to the entrance of the dorms and did a headcount before rushing off, nodding at the 2-B teacher as they rushed off to the front of the school together.

Students were crowded together in worry, some shaken and worried, others wanting to go out and help. Iida very quickly put a stop to anyone who tried to leave though, being put under very strict instructions for no one to leave the building until Aizawa gives the ok.

Though they were partway through second year, they still couldn't have to go out and fight unless absolutely necessary.

Shoto walked up to Izuku and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, patting it before pulling away. Ochako broke off from Tsuyu and Momo to go talk to Izuku.

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