|-Chapter 14-|

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The bell rang, signaling the end of class. Katsuki stood up with his bag and walked swiftly out of the classroom. Izuku hurried to catch up with the blonde. Instead of waiting outside of the doorway, Katsuki was already halfway down the hall to his locker. Izuku fiddled with his backpack and did that awkward half-walk-half-jog thing.

Once he caught up, Izuku stuffed his backpack in his locker and walked over to Katsuki so they could walk together to lunch. They walked to the lunchroom and made it inside, heading to the line of food. They were at the end of the short line and waited as a small group of people came up to them.

"Hey, Midoriya right?" Ochaco bubbly asked, knowing his name from their previous meetings.

Izuku turned in surprise as her out-of-no-where chipper voice was heard. He let out a small awkward laugh. "Ah, yes! Uraraka right?"

Katsuki rolled his eyes and yanked on Izuku's arm as the line moved, tugging him along. Izuku looked at him carefully, bowing his head slightly. They passed through the line and grabbed their food, Ochaco babbling behind them.

"Hey! Why don't you sit with us Midoriya?" A frog resembling girl spoke, having been standing with Ochaco.

"Oh!-" Izuku looked at Katsuki quickly, "Su-"

Katsuki tugged on Izuku's arm harshly and dragged him over towards an empty table. "C'mon, shithead."

Izuku squeaked in surprise, waving a hand to the friendly group while trying not to trip as he was dragged. Katsuki walked for a little bit, going to the corner of the lunchroom before pushing Izuku into a seat and letting go. Izkuk accidentally let out a noise of pain from how Katsuki was dragging him and Katsuki looked at him quickly. Scanning him over fast, he paid no mind.

Katsuki switched their kinds of milk because he noticed Izuku had plain milk and he had strawberry.

"Thank you Ka-"

"Shut the hell up."

Izuku sat silently eating his food until five minutes from when lunch was over.

"I-... I'm so-"

"I told you to fucking shut up, Deku."

Izuku bowed his head and nodded.

Throughout the rest of the day, Izuku tried to not anger Katsuki any more than he already did. He knew Katsuki was angry at him but he hoped it wouldn't last long. He would try to stay silent and only walk behind him.

School let out and they were walking home. Katsuki wasn't saying anything and Izuku was walking a few feet behind him.

Katsuki walked into his pathway and Izuku didn't know if he should follow or just go home. He decided the latter would probably be better so he kept walking, passing the entryway to the Bakugou household. Though, he heard small explosions and was suddenly pulled by the collar of the shirt backward. He coughed and was dragged up and into the entryway, and up to Katsuki's room. Katsuki let go, throwing him on the bed and Izuku started coughing.

As Izuku's coughing died down, he stared at Katsuki. The blonde stayed quiet and Izuku made no move to get up or leave. He knew Katsuki had trouble with his emotions so he waited.

"You little fucker.. Where the fuck did you think you were going huh?!" Katsuki raged.

"I- I didn't know if you wanted to see me right now or not.. I mean you have to at school but I thought it might be better if I just went home?"

"Why the fuck would you think that you bastard??" Katsuki was pissed, and for what?

"I-I... I don't know... I'm so-"

"No! I've told you only apologize when you've actually done something wrong you little shit!"


Katsuki raised an eyebrow as if daring him to continue. So Izuku fell quiet, staring at his lap. He was crying, he hated when Katsuki was mad at him for any reason.

Suddenly Katsuki was on top of him, suffocating Izuku with an aggressive bear hug.

"You little bitch..." Katsuki muttered, squeezing Izuku so hard he thought his bones would break.

"K-Kacchan-! My r-ribs-!" Izuku wheezed.

"What was that shit you pulled in class?" Katsuki pulled back and asked, annoyed.

"I just... I just wanted to get him to stop yelling at you so you'd... call me a good boy..." Izuku muttered smally, shoving his face into Katsuki's neck.

Katsuki snickered. "You and your fucking praise kink, brat."

Izuku became even more embarrassed. "I-its not a kink! I just... get really happy that's all.."

"Uh-huh, sure." Katsuki said sarcastically.

"Hmpf!" Izuku huffed. "Are you still.. Mad at me-?" Izuku asked timidly.

"Mhhm.' Katski hummed into Izuku's hair.

"Okay thennn, can we please cuddle? Please." Izuku smiled adorably.

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then- I'll guilt trip you!"

"With what, brat?"

"You know, my arm was really hurting earlier when you were tugging on it. I think you might have sprained it because you were so harsh... And you were so scary too!" Izuku's wet eyelashes fluttered.

"You-" Katsuki glared and rolled off so they could cuddle properly.



"Did I really hurt you that bad baby?" Katsuki asked feeling guilt.

"It hurt a little but it's fine now, I think?" Izuku smiled softly.

Katsuki frowned. He was angry he hurt his bunny. He was pissed actually, but only at himself.

"And I was scary..?"

Izuku looked away and then looked back. "Just a little..."

He squeezed Izuku to him as a form of apology.

"Let's go make some Pumpkin muffins, yeah?"

Izuku happily giggled. "Yess!"

| His Bloodstained Love | BakuDeku | ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin