|-Chapter 18-|

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A few days later, Izuku and Katsuki were at another therapy session. Their therapist, Suzuka Kin, sat in her leather chair, across from the couch they sat on. They were familiar with this woman and her surroundings, seeing as they had already been here multiple times.

The woman, Kin, had natural majestic silver hair with holographic tones all throughout. Her eyes were a light green, with a tint of pink, and she had a beautiful physique. She went to the gym often and had toned, well-taken care of, body. She also had a nose piercing and multiple minor tattoos down her back and left upper arm. Throughout their sessions together, Kin has explained a few of her tattoos to the boys when Izuku got nosy. She has had a journey through her life of 37 years.

She worked in the quirkless ward. So Izuku has been wondering but hasn't had the courage to ask if she was quirkless or just got assigned that ward. After their four sessions, Katsuki has decided he will ask because his little shit can't work up the courage. Izuku was assigned to the quirkless ward because his files haven't been changed.

"So." Katsuki starts, sitting down with Izuku on their regular couch. "What's up with you being in the quirkless ward?" He asked bluntly, not caring if it would be offensive.

"Ah, you want to know if I am quirkless?" Kin asks kindly.

She watches as Katsuki rolls his eyes and Izuku nods shyly.

"Well, it's always alright to ask me anything, boys. But, yes I am, quirkless that is." She smiles softly at Izuku, noticing his shaking hand has stopped moving.

Izuku gasps softly. "R-Really?" Izuku asked, intrigued.

"Yes, I lost my quirk to a villain." Her smile does not dim, showing her strength. "I was protecting my loved one from the attack... but I did not do enough."

"I'm sorry..." Izuku says sadly, bowing his head slightly.

"Oh come, Midoryia, I do not need your pity." She smiles lightly.

"Oh no no!" Izuku waved his hands at the older woman. "I was not pitying you! I swear! I was just taking account of how strong you are!"

They've only had four lessons, this being the fifth, and he knows how strong and intelligent this woman is. She is very open and welcoming to each boy, even when Katsuki is being a dick. She treats them with kindness and comfort.

Kin smiles genuinely. Offering a hand she continues speaking. "My spouse, they were a lot like you, Bakugou." The boys grab her offered hand, though Katsuki reluctantly. "She was a hothead, always angry with everyone even though that's just how she was. I grew with her and she treated me as if I were royalty. I used to get bullied, like you Midoryia, for being a quirkless woman. As well as part of the LGBTQ+ community. She helped me though, through everything and protected me." The woman sighed sadly, reminiscing in her true love, squeezing both the boy's hands before letting go.

"What... May I ask what happened to her?" Izuku asked hesitantly, not knowing if he was crossing a line or not.

Kin looked out the window with deep sorrow for a moment. "The villain that attacked her, he wanted her quirk. I jumped in front of her, he gained my quirk instead but he wanted hers... SO he tried to kill me and get to her. I fought back, trying to save my love as she saved me for years..." The boys looked at each other for a brief moment as the older woman spoke. "As I fought the villain, a civilian tried to help. He pulled out a gun and aimed for the villain... but instead, they shot my love." Kin teared up slightly as she was reminded of those moments.

"You're very strong Mrs. Sazuka." Katsuki complimented while Izuku crying slightly on his shoulder, gripping his hand with a weak force. He had on a negative expression but Kin noticed the slight moisture in his eyes and her eyes softened.

"Thank you, Bakugou." She wiped her face lightly and smiled kindly.

They still had 45 minutes. So, Kin went on with their normal routine of questions and getting to know each other as well as getting to the bottom of Izuku's trauma and mental issues.

After their session, they head to Izuku's home only to see dirty footprints of a shoe size that was definitely not his mother's. Izuku let out a small confused noise and he dragged Katsuki's attention to it. Katsuki noticed and squinted his eyes for a moment before trying to look unbothered as he shrugged his shoulders.

Katsuki still shoved Izuku behind him in a protective gesture as he looked around. Izuku called out to his mom and got a faint noise of recognition before his mom came out into the hallway to meet them.

"Hey Boys!" She welcomed them home normally but the hugs she gave out were different... tenser. It worried Izuku but he didn't say anything. Katsuki was put into subtle protective mode as he strained his eyes to notice any differences.

"Hiya mom... Did you have someone over earlier?" Izuku asked innocently tilting his head slightly.

She seemed to freeze for a moment. Katsuki took into account that her fingers started shaking slightly. "N.. No, it was just me today... Why what's up?" Inko tried to be calm about it but she was a nervous liar and something was off.

"Alright mom, I was just checking. I love you." Izuku believed her like the gullible bunny he is and kissed her cheek before walking off to the room. Katsuki didn't believe her but he kissed her cheek and followed his bunny anyway.

Because wherever bunny goes, he will follow. And he will protect his bunny with everything he has. Even if he has to... hurt someone.

Because who has ever seen a panther and a bunny together?

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