|-Chapter 23-|

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Katsuki looked down at Izuku who was straddling his lap, asleep. He was lightly snoring and a line of drool was falling out of his mouth but Katsuki thought- no, he knew that this boy was the most beautiful thing on earth. And it was all his.

He looked down at the boy in his lap before looking out the window, instinctively holding onto Izuku tighter. He watched as they rolled up to the apartment complex. Once they were fully stopped they got out. Well, Katsuki carried Izuku out and held him as they walked up the stairs.

Katsuki actually knocked for the first time because he didn't want to give Inko a heart attack by just walking in, seeing as she was probably already rolling on the floor worried.

He heard hurried footsteps before the door swung wide and Inko didn't waste a second to engulf her children in a tight squeeze hug. Katsuki carefully wrapped an arm around Inko as he carried Izuku with the other, walking forward carefully and Inko shuffled back as well. Katsuki directed them to the living room. Katsuki saw his parents there with blank faces as they took him in, seeming to snap out of some kind of trance they looked at each other before slowly standing up.

Katsuki looked into the kitchen and saw a shit ton of baked goods lining the counters. Inko always baked when she was nervous, stressed, or worried.

"Is it really you, Kat?" Katsuki's father, Masaru, spoke quietly, reaching out to touch him.

Damn, they weren't even gone for three days.

Katsuki smacked his old man's hand away. He scoffed cockily, "Of course it's fucking me some impersonater could never reach my level."

Masaru and Mitsuki smiled at each other knowingly. "It's him." They sighed in unison.

Katsuki's family was never really one of physical touch. They had their own way to show love and though outsiders looking in would sometimes worry, it was just how they worked with each other. Though sometimes Mitsuki did go overboard with some things, she really was a decent mother to Katsuki most of the time.

Inko was sobbing loudly and Katsuki wanted to tell her to shut up because she was going to wake

up his bunny. He knew it would offend Mama Inko and send her on a rant. So he shut up and comforted her, trying to calm her down before Izuku woke up.

Though he was not fast enough and Izuku's eyes fluttered open delicately. He blinks looking around with glossy eyes before settling his gaze on Katsuki and then to his worried mother.

"Oh mama..." Izuku said with tears in his eyes.

This happened every damn time and Katsuki mentally groaned before giving it to them that this was a traumatic situation. Every time Inko or Izuku started even tearing up the other one would too, it didn't matter what it was about.

It always happens.

Now Katsuki was rubbing Inko's back while holding Izuku close to his body and Izuku and Inko grasped each other's hands tightly.

After some time, the pair ran out of tears to shed and Inko excused herself to get some water. Katsuki's parents were getting ready to leave now that they knew their boy was safe and in a protected environment.

"We'll see you next time you decide to come home, brat." Mitsuki muttered in a fake harsh tone before messing up his hair and walking out of the apartment, Masaru trailing her.

Katsuki just glanced as his parents walked out of the apartment before tending back to Izuku.

Izuku had calmed down mostly by now, just random hiccups here and there. Inko walked back with three glasses of water and a nervous look on her face.

"What's wrong, mom?" Izuku asked, noticing her nervous expression.

She waved her hand, deeming it not important and Katsuki narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Just a phone call from work." Inko explained, smiling.

He didn't believe her. She had been acting weird lately.

Izuku nodded his head before cuddling into Katsuki more and yawning.

"Auntie, I think we're gonna go head to bed and rest." Katsuki excused them as he picked Izuku up and started walking back to the room.

"Oh of course. Go ahead baby. I think they're going to need you at school tomorrow though to explain what happened." Inko kissed both of their cheeks and sat back down on the couch.

Katsuki nodded, continuing to walk away.

He made it to the room and set Izuku down on the bed before grabbing two sets of pajamas and handing one to Izuku. He got dressed and looked back to see a sleepy Izuku tangled in his shirt, still just laying down.

Katsuki rolled his eyes at Izuku's pathetic attempt to get dressed and he fixed his shirt for him, getting it on correctly before starting on his pants. They were used to taking care of each other so neither of them was embarrassed.

Katsuki looked at Izuku briefly before laying down next to him in the bed. He started humming and Izuku quickly fell asleep.

Once Izuku was fully asleep Katsuki cuddled up to him and closed his eyes. Bright lights flashed by his eyes as he started to fall asleep and he held Izuku closer to him. He hummed a soft melodic tune until he fell asleep.

A head popped into the room, she took in the sight and smiled genuinely. It turned into a sad one quickly as she closed the door and walked back to the living room.

She walked past the living room, into the kitchen where a kettle of tea was set.

"I don't like any sugar." Someone spoke from the couch.

"I remember," Inko replied in a small tone.

Once the tea was done she shakily poured it before setting the kettle down, breathing deeply, and walking to the living room, delivering the tea with steady hands.

There he was, a man with black hair, green/grey eyes, and a cigarette between his lips, staring back at Inko as she stared at him.

"Why are you here Hisashi?"

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