|-Chapter 39-|

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Katsuki wrung his hands together, popping his knuckles as he walked down the hallway. He was on his way to tell the league that he was going back to UA... Because Izuku said so.

His thoughts rolled, shock still set in place from Izuku's statement.

'If you break that promise... I will hate you forever.'

The firm look in his eyes, his defiant stance, and tone... It threw Katsuki off because Izuku very rarely stood up to him. But, then again, he should have expected it because 9.99 out of ten times, Izuku only stood against him if Katsuki and he were parting.

Katsuki shook his head, a smirk slowly slipping onto his face.

Bunny was- is so cute.

Katsuki also thought back to how Izuku had gained more muscles and strength. The determination was bright in his eyes and he became more decisive.

Katsuki opened the door without knocking, taking in the scene and then immediately heading to 'his' spot at the table. (The opposite end from Tomura.)

It reminded him of his talk with the UA faculty.


"So. You want to drop out and then expect us to just let you back in?"Aizawa asked tediously.

Katsuki glared at him lightly before he grunted in affirmation.

"I wasn't able to attend this year because of family issues." Katsuki explained.

"And we should just let you come back?" Nezu asked. "Why?"

Katsuki clenched his teeth, but Izuku lay a soft hand on his forearm, rubbing it subconsciously. Nezu noticed how Katsuki calmed and slightly deflated at the greenette's touch.

"Sir," Izuku started softly. "If I may- Kacchan has a great amount of potential. A close family member was in serious trouble and Kacchan needed time to grieve. He won't ever do anything like this again and he made sure to train while he was away. Please, let him come back... Give him one more chance?" Izuku pleaded, his puppy eyes out as he spoke to both Nezu and Aizawa. "The whole class has said they miss him and he plays a good role that can't be filled in our big team." Izuku continued in a firm voice.

Nezu looked to be contemplating but Aizawa just huffed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

After being told to come back later after they talked, Katsuki had reluctantly been accepted back. But he was strictly told off by Aizawa for just leaving and missing almost a whole year of work, he was warned he would be worked hard but Katsuki didn't mind.

Izuku's glare and disappointment would hurt more than any work he would be put through.


Katsuki looked at the small table full of other villains who had curious expressions. Toga was looking at him with the vibe of a curious puppy and Shigaraki was glaring at him. Dabi had an uncaring expression, along with a raised eyebrow. Twice and Spinner were talking lowly, stopping when they noticed Katsuki.

"What'd you call this meeting for blondie?" Shigaraki spoke menacingly.

Katsuki rolled his eyes and smacked his hand against the table softly. He leaned on his arm and rested his head in his hand.

"Well, I'm going back to UA." Is all he said, watching everyone's expressions.

Toga sputtered. "No- Wait what!? Why?"

Katsuki waved his hand to shut everyone up, they had started talking all at once.

"K, well I'm going back undercover." He put up his hand and pointed his finger at Tomura- who was about to cut him off. "I already talked to the boss. I'll be undercover and I'll finish this year and graduate the next." Katsuki explained.

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