Start from the beginning

"Ms Makama, you have guests. Let's get going." After she said that, the said lady looked at her bewilderedly. Not only her, everyone did. Nobody has ever come to visit her, that has always been a sensitive topic that the women don't fail to use against her.

Back inside the warden's office, a couple sat down on the wooden chairs opposite the warden's seat. The female had an extremely worried expression on her face while the person beside her looked unfazed.

"Why are you worrying about her? She deserves to suffer. If I hadn't caught you planning to sneak out and come see her, God knows what might have happened." The male scoffed.

"I promised to invite her over to our wedding, I made sure to send her invitation card over since I couldn't come personally but you went ahead to send guards that made sure nothing reached her. Did you think I wouldn't find out? What's wrong with you?" The female shot back, making him set his lips in a straight line, speechless.

The female is Marwa, dressed in bright pink pyjamas with a black hoodie and sun shades that made her almost unrecognizable. Today, when everyone was still asleep, she jumped through the window and escaped the princesses' chamber under everyone's nose. Unfortunately, Zafeer was just coming back from his morning jog when he sighted the short soul looking like a blind person in a dark room.

In an attempt to run away, she bumped into Lucifer who was quick to shoot her a scrutinizing gaze and started interrogating her. When she protested that she must go to the penitentiary, he huffed before making a call for his convoy to rush over and that was how they ended up here with his complicated wife. He was still in a sleeveless Nike shirt and grey joggers, exposing his bulky arms.

"M-Marwa!" A frail, hoarse voice broke the silence.

"Nawal." Marwa ran to the girl and gave her a bone-crushing hug for what felt like forever. She gave her a once over before bursting into tears, Nawal couldn't help but join her.

"Enough of hugging my wife." He kvetched in jealousy. His wife has never cried like that because of him or has she? Yes, but he won't admit it. Someone is touching his wife!

"Y-your highness." Nawal felt the ice-cold gaze on her and instantly wiggled out of Marwa's hold.

"Umm." He nodded before pretending to continue looking at his phone, knowing his wife's hot glare is centred on him now.

"How are you? Are you hungry? Have you eaten? I've sent the warden out, you can tell me everything. Is anyone bullying you? Wait first, here is some food, sorry I couldn't cook so I bought these at a bistro." She pointed at the polyethene bags containing chips and eggs, oreo milkshakes and waffles.

Marwa noticed Nawal's trembling hands and narrowed her eyes, the girl felt uncomfortable under a certain someone's gaze so she spoke.

"Get out," She banged her hands on the table to seek his attention, just like a furious wife.

"Huh?" Zafeer's cute pink lips formed an O, he was doing that to intentionally irk her.

"Must I repeat myself? You angered me today, just leave already." She gave him a deadly stare.

Zafeer grumbled something underneath his breath before exiting the office, this woman who almost cost them their love life is the one she is being kind to. What the hell is with his wife? The warden bowed before vacating her chair and leaving the place for the king and guards who didn't say anything, knowing that he must have been chased out by the queen.

Marwa watched Nawal downed the pile of food like someone who hasn't eaten in two weeks, her hands were shaking. She took a large gulp of the bottled water and closed it before turning to her with red eyes.

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