39 : Who's the Guardian?

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"Hi, Hana! How are you?" asks Seokjin who just entered my office at SID.

I tell him I'm good but I couldn't tell him that I am anxious. I am anxious because the way he called me and said that he has something very important to tell me, freaks me out. I don't know what he found that he had to come instantly to SID to meet me.

I offer him some water because it is clearly written on his face that he has rushed down here.

"What is it? Is everything okay?" I ask because I am kind of worried.

He nods and then sits on the couch in front of me.

"Prof Park is on a week-long sick leave."

"What's wrong with her?" I ask because I don't think that he just hurriedly came over here to tell me this.

He takes off his bag from his shoulder and gets a file from it. Placing the file in front of me, on the coffee table, he says, "I don't know but I found this in her office."

Okay, let's see what he found. I take the file and read the name on it. Omma Maternity Hospital.

And then I read the name of the patient written on it. Miss Park Yeri.

I look at Seokjin and find him already looking at me for a reaction. It is a maternity hospital file with the nickname of prof Park. What does it mean? What do I conclude from it?

I couldn't wait and opened the file. It has some documents which I don't even bother to read and quickly take a look at the sonogram picture.

It's terrifying. If this is Yeri's, I mean, prof Park's sonogram, she must be devastated. She must be shattered. Because the uterine cavity in the sonogram is empty. 

My eyes are wide and my mouth is open in a sudden painful shock. I can't believe what all I'm seeing. Her results in the file show that she is pregnant but she doesn't have the fetus in the uterus. 

"I couldn't understand anything but seems like prof Park is pregnant," Seokjin says, gulping down some more water. 

I look at him and think about how to talk about this. Moreover, whose child is this? And why her name is Miss yeri and not Mrs. Yuna? 

I take a deep breath and read the other documents attached to it. Seokjin stays silent. He just wait for me to say something. 

I again look at him but the way he is waiting for me to explain things written inside it, makes me worry a little. How would he feel if it turns out that this is Hobi's child (maybe not anymore) and that Hobi is not even here?

"She is but... but she is not." that's all I could say.

I can see circles in his head. I again read the file for a while and finally put it back on the table.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

I make sure that the door of my office is closed and get back to my sit. The file has shocked me a little. Not a little but a little more to that little. I am taken away by the details written in the file.

"It's an ectopic pregnancy," I say.

"What does that mean?"

"When a fertilized egg grows outside the uterus, most likely in the fallopian tube, it causes the ectopic pregnancy. And in such a case, the fetus cannot survive." I explain, in as simple words as I can. But I don't know if he understood me. In short, the pregnancy is fatal.

Crime SceneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz