12 : One of the Suspect

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Hana was still smiling at how Namjoon got trapped in his words. While Hana was taking back the pictures she put on the desk, Namjoon immediately went to the door of his office and slam closed it.

Hana kept her eyes on him to detect every single move of his. As a criminology student, she had learned very well that not only words but non-verbal actions of people also reveal many secrets. So, she always kept a good eye on everyone in her investigation.

Closing the door, Namjoon takes a deep breath and sits on his chair in front of Hana.

"What is your problem? What do you want?"

Looking at flustered professor Kim, Hana sat comfortably on her chair, folding her legs. She knew that the wild card was in her hands and now it was her time to get honest answers from Namjoon.

"Tell me everything about you and Hoseok that I don't know!"

Namjoon brushed his face with his two palms and tried to calm himself. He gulped down the entire glass of water kept on his table and got ready to face the truth.

"As you know, Hoseok was my favorite student. One day, after classes I saw him. He looked depressed. I wondered what was bothering him and asked him if he needed any help or anything. He hesitated a lot but then he told me that he had some financial issues. In short, he needed money and--"

"Money for what?"

"That even I don't know. But then I asked him to work for me and he agreed. As you can already see, I am a huge fan of art. The antique shop outside, I wanted to collect everything from there and Hoseok helped me with it. I'm obsessed with such artistic things."

Hana sighed in disbelief and threw herself back on the chair. "And so he clicked picture from that store, showed it to you and whatever you select, he stole them. Correct me if I'm wrong."

Namjoon couldn't utter a word nor he could meet his eyes with Hana. He just nodded at her words and got annoyingly upset.

"Why didn't you say me earlier?"

Namjoon smirked with a sad look on his face and responded with a question. "Miss Hana! If you are a thief, would you go and tell everyone that you are a thief? And moreover, who would expect a professor to have such an obsession? It was just between me and Hoseok. If you hadn't found those pictures, I bet, even you wouldn't have known it."

This time, he had a point and Hana agreed to his rhetorical questions. But this was just what Hana had already imagined. She needed to dig more. This was not enough.

"Did you know that he had a girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend?" Namjoon asked in a dramatic and surprised tone. "I doubt that. I doubt he had time for dating but a book can't be judged by the cover, right?"

Hana nodded. But it was strange. Professor Park knew that Hoseok had a girlfriend. Not to mention that she also complimented Yeri. But professor Namjoon, who seemed close to Hoseok, not as a student but as his assistant thief, didn't know about his girlfriend.

Either Mr. Kim really doesn't know Yeri or he is lying again. If he is lying, he is one of the suspects!

Hana unfolded her legs and stood up from her chair to take a round around his office. She spotted an empty space in the corner and wondered if Namjoon was planning to keep a new artistic piece over there.

"Did it ever happen that Hoseok couldn't bring a piece of art you wanted?"

"Yeah, a couple of times. That made me furious. I can't stand it. I'll do anything to get what I wish for."

"How did you get them then? What did you do?"

"Initially I reduced Hoseok's grades. But when it happened again, I-I abused..."

"Are you saying that you abused Hoseok just because he couldn't bring that piece of art?"

"Listen, Hana! It wasn't my intention. I didn't want to hurt him but my anger took control of me. Later, I also apologized to him."

Hana was disappointed in Namjoon. She never expected such a handsome man to be this obsessed with inanimate things. She didn't expect him to go this far that he would hurt someone just for such pieces. She again sat on the chair with a furious look on her face.

"Let me conclude. You were a threat to Hoseok, weren't you?"

Hana's harsh words hurt Namjoon. He felt the harshness and the hidden meaning behind her words. He understood that she was suspecting him of Hoseok's murder. He slowly got up from his chair and settled his hands on either side of his waist.

"If you think that I am the killer then I'm not. Let's get this clear. Why would I kill the only person who can satisfy my needs?"

"But you said you used to lose your temperament when Hoseok couldn't finish the task!"

"If that's the case then I would have killed you by now, Miss Hana! I am literally losing my patience and I hope you can leave now. I don't have anything else to tell you either."

Hana got the point. She agreed that why would Namjoon kill Hoseok when it was only Hoseok who could bring him those antique pieces. But again, Namjoon can't be considered pure innocent. If not Hoseok then he can hire someone else too. There are many people outside who would do anything for money.

Hana had no more questions for him at this point. She just took that envelope, and her phone and left. While she was leaving, Namjoon requested her to keep this a secret. Hana knew she won't get anything revealing his secret. Moreover, Hoseok's image will be spoiled. She nodded and left.

Hana went to the parking lot and found her black Hyundai. She got inside and started driving. As she was getting out of the campus, she again spotted that tall young man from yesterday who followed her. 

This time too, he noticed Hana and tried to stop her car. But Hana, being a little scared accelerated and escaped.

My god! Who the heck is that guy and why is he following me?

I swear, if I see him again, I'm gonna report him to the police.

On her way back to her dance classes, she called Yoongi and asked him to meet her near the dance classes, at the nearby cafe.


"Excuse me! Can I get another cup of coffee?"

"Sure mam!"

It's been already an hour but Yoongi didn't show up. Hana was drinking her 2nd cup of coffee while waiting for Yoongi and trying to solve the puzzle of Hoseok's murder.

Namjoon is definitely one of the suspects, but still, he doesn't fit that well in the murderer's position. But it was sure that Hoseok wasn't rich enough to buy those expensive clothes. He had serious financial issues. He was going around asking for help. 

But his girlfriend - Yeri was still unknown. Who she is? Where is she from? What did she do and what was so weird about her? However, Hana was sure that she was crazy. She was hella crazy for going on a date at the graveyard! Hana needed to find her but where? She had no idea!

"Hey, Hana!"

As soon as Hana heard her name, she turned around to death glare at the uniformed police officer approaching her and sitting in front of her across the table.

"I hope I'm not too late, I'm sorry!"


Hey all!❤️

So, this was chapter 12 with the initial suspect. Are you enjoying the story though? 😂

Why do you think Hana called Yoongi? And do you think Namjoon can be associated with Hoseok's death?


Borahae 💜

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