28 : His secret studio

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As soon as we hear the voice, I feel someone lifting me from behind and running backward. 

"Jungkook, PUT ME DOWN, YOU IDIOT!" I scream and whisper at the same time. 

We were startled by the sudden feminine voice and I actually recognized it. But the way this kid just picked me up and started running, I thought he would have just jumped out of the window taking me down.

I slap his arm gripping my waist and he puts me down. Then I quickly move my hand on the floor to get that thing I just stepped on. It's dark in the room so I can't really find it. I literally have to mop my hand on the floor which also once makes me hit my head on the edge of the bed.

"Why are you still awake?" the voice again echoes in the room, sending shivers down our spines, and for the first time, I can feel my hands shaking.

But I finally find that little thing. Feels like it is a voice-recorded toy. 

"Do you--" I try to switch it off and the voice stops hammering our ears. I swear, this was scary because I never expected it. Especially the voice of prof Park emerging from this toy.

Why would Hobi keep such a thing? These days even kids don't keep such toys.

I turn around only to find Jungkook sitting in the corner with his knees near his chest and hands on his ears. He must be scared a lot. So, I go and try to calm him down.

"It was just a toy. Everything is okay Jungkook!" I whisper and hug him to pat on his back. No wonder he is a kid. I can feel him shiver as he buries his face in my chest. I pat his back and caress his hair. If I ever have a son in any foreseeable future, he will be like Jungkook. Maybe a little brave like his mom? 

After some time, I tell him to stay wherever he is and try to move further. But in this dark, I can't really see either. I close the curtain of the window and turn on the flashlights of my phone. I hope no one sees the light on our window, else we are doomed!

Jungkooks stands up and again clenches the hem of my shirt. I look at him and with the way he looks back at me, I know, he won't leave me alone even for a single moment. 

"Noona! Are you sure you don't want to go back?" 

Hell no! I took care of those CCTV cameras and for that, I had to bribe those security guards. I am not rich enough to let my money go in vain. The building security guards were a little loyal, so we couldn't use the main door. But I even climbed this freaking building. I am not going anywhere until I find something useful to investigate.

I nod with denial and then turn my phone in every corner. We are in the bedroom, with a bed, a closet, a desk and a chair with it.

However, there are hundreds of polaroids hanging in the entire bedroom above our heads. It looks just like how the detectives have their secret investigation rooms filled with the details and photos of the suspects hanging here and there.

I focus on a few of them and finally, I found something that I was wishing to find in that Art cafe. All the photos were of Hobi and his girlfriend. A solid proof of them dating and I wonder if prof Park knows about this place. 

"Who is she?" Jungkook whispers in my ears.

"The voice you just heard," I murmur and open the closet beside the right side of the bed. Surprisingly, it is empty. Everything here is neat and clean. A single pillow on the bed with a flowery bedsheet. Probably, this is just a studio like that student told me in the morning. He must have been living somewhere else.

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