4 : Photography

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"KIM. HA. NA. You better stop right there, else I'm gonna kill you today!"

Monday morning. Something that the entire world hates and Hana is not an exception. She hates it too. She finished her first lesson in the morning when she saw Jimin coming toward her dance room. Jimin walked in just to catch her red-handed trying to hide from him.

She heard him giving her a death warning. She had no choice but to stop wherever she was. A best friend's warning is more than a warning.

Jimin walked hurriedly and stood tall in front of her. His eyes were on Hana and Hana's under her shadow. As she kept rolling her eyes far away from him, Jimin kept taking a step toward her. It was till he couldn't walk any longer. His breath brushed Hana's face and she shut closed her eyes, almost stopping her lungs to function.

"Breath sweetie, this is just a trailer!"

He grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the dance room. They walked through the hallway where there were large windows with white curtains, blowing here and there with the cool morning breeze. The sweatdrops rolling down on her body already froze with the breeze touching her delicate skin through her thin T-shirt. He dragged her inside his office which was at the end of the hallway. They both sat and now it was the time. The time for Jimin to explode.

"How can you do this to me, Hana?" Jimin was angry but more than that, he was disappointed. 

Like Hana, he also had a morning session and that could be seen clearly on his face. His skin was clear, glowing with all the sweat which he probably wiped off but the shine on his face was left there, as it is. His brownish black hair was flipped back, revealing his entire forehead handsomely. He indeed had the best straight hairline. He was wearing a loose white T-shirt, which almost revealed his bare chest, enough to make all the female staff and students go crazy over him. Not to mention, over 80% of their institute had female students just because of this handsome & hot instructor. In his shorts, he looked more masculine and someone might confuse him for a martial arts instructor. 

"Hello? Can you hear me? Hana! I asked something!" Jimin waved his hands in front of Hana's face, who was lost in the beauty of the angel sitting in front of her. 

"Jimin! You know what! You look so hot today!"

A chuckle left Jimin's mouth and he smirked. But it was not too long before he got serious again. 

"And yet you never agreed to go on a date with me. But that's not what I'm talking about today and I know that you know what I mean."

Hana knew what Jimin was asking. It was all about Jung Hoseok. But she didn't know how and where to start. She didn't know how to put the situation she was in that Friday evening. 

"Why didn't you tell me about Hobi Hyung?"

"I was kind of shocked and exhausted that evening." And she sighed grabbing a water bottle from Jimin's desk.

Jimin took away the bottle from her hand before she could drink and slugged down a mouthful of water. "You could have told me on Saturday or at least Sunday!"

"I didn't want to... want to ruin your weekend, you know. That's kind of depressing."

But Jimin didn't know. He didn't know how Hana was feeling. How terrible it is to find one of your close friends dead. 

She couldn't tell him how she was struggling to pass each and every second after that evening. It was tough. It was a struggle for her. 

She didn't want to think about Hoseok. She tried hard to distract herself with various activities but nothing worked.

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