3 : You & Me

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As usual, Kim Hana (Y/n) was rehearsing her dance steps in the basement of her house. The volume of her speaker was low. Low enough for her to clearly hear the doorbell that just interrupted her practice. 

Aishhh, who is it at this hour?

She immediately ran upstairs. Not even bothering to peep into the peephole, she opened the door only to find Yoongi standing at her doorstep with an iced cappuccino and iced americano. 

"I didn't expect a guest at this hour!" She said with her arms folded over her chest and one foot tapping against the floor.

"I just... I just wanted to check--"

"You just wanted to check in if I'm doing good or not and for your kind information Mr. Min, I'm doing perfectly fine. If you don't have anything else then--"

"I see but I also wanted to talk--"

"Talk about what? Do we have anything left to discuss more?"

"About US! YOU AND ME! And please, can you stop cutting me off while I'm talking. At least let me finish what I'm saying."

Making a cute-angry pleading face in front of Hana, Yoongi tried to convince her for a little talk. No matter how much Hana hated him, he always stayed calm and obeyed her. However, now he was kind of impatient to talk to her.

Hana glanced at that cute cat face of Yoongi but then rolled her eyes off him to avoid eye contact. A part of her wanted to listen to whatever he had to say but her brain won't function that way.

Should I let him in or not? In or not?...

Hana stopped tapping her foot on the floor and looked at Yoongi for a moment. 

For the first time in a while, she noticed how different he looked compared to years ago. The clear shiny yet pale skin with not so long but mullet hair. The stars in his eyes almost disappeared when the sunlight behind him hovers his entire body like an angelic halo.

Yoongi noticed her expressions and he understood she was not in her senses. The way she looked at him melted him for a moment but it was awkward at the same time. Coming to his own senses, he cleared his throat which made Hana realize that she was lost somewhere.

She leaned her body on one side of the door and rolled her eyes off of him again. She was definitely calculating whether to let Yoongi in her house or not. But that iced cap in his hand, her favorite drink, she couldn't avoid that. Can she?

I'll let it slide this time. But only for the drink, not for Yoongi!

She moved out of the way, turned on the ceiling fan, and set herself on the couch. A smile brushed on Yoongi's face and he let himself in.

"Take this, your favorite Iced cap and I know you didn't ask for it but I wanted to bring it. So no discussion on it"

Despite her love for the iced cap, she was definitely going to lecture him about bringing her stuff for free. Because that's the way she can make him feel bad and guilty. But he had also known her for a long time, a long long time and hence he didn't give her a chance to talk about it.

Hana swept her hand through her hair and ruffled them to feel the cool air of the fan through her sweat-wet scalp. "So, what you wanted to talk about?"

"First of all, Jung Hoseok. I'm sorry about what happened to him. I don't want to talk about how you know him because I figured out that when I ran a background check on him. But if you want, you can feel free to talk to me, you know, what I mean?"

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