23 : Hangover

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As soon as I entered SID, my eyes started searching for someone. However, some thoughts ran behind my brain.

"Jungkook!!" I hear Jimin Hyung calling my name from behind. I turn around to see him running and no sooner did I realize that he's gonna crash into me than he made me fall down on the floor and tumbled over me.

"Hyung!! Are you okay?" I ask in concern because he rolled a little far from me. 

He is short it doesn't mean he can think of himself as a kid. Like Hyung, please get back to your adulthood! 

I help him get up and then he looks at me, panting and catching his breath.

"Is Hana there?" he asks, pointing towards her cabin. But how would I know that? I just came and unknowingly I was marching towards her cabin only.

Oh! I must be searching for her, I realize, and pity on my one-sided crush.

I rise my shoulders with an I-don't-know look on my face and we both walk towards her cabin.

And there we go. She is there, sitting on her couch with her hands on her head. She looked as if she went bankrupt and had to sell her house and kidney.

But I guess I know what's going on. The Hangover!

"What's wrong Hana?" Hyung asked, quickly slipping on the couch beside her and checking her temperature. 

Well, I did that in the morning and she was absolutely okay. However, my dance instructor - Miss Hana looked annoyed now. She grabbed Hyung's hand and removed it from her forehead.


I sat quietly in front of her on the couch when Hyung startled both of us by yelling. I know that he is her best friend but never knew he cared this much.

It's kind of sus!

Why did I never think this? 

"Stop yelling Jiminaa! My head hurts," she said, frowning and massaging her own head.

But do you think their drama will just stop here? NEVER!

Jimin Hyung took her face in his hands and looked into her eyes. It was kinda uncomfortable for me until he started uttering some nonsense.

"What did you do that Hana? Just why?" He said more like a male lead in some drama with his deep voice.

However, she didn't respond but rolled her eyes off of him.

"You could have died in the war! Why didn't you tell me? Say something, my love!"



Is he okay? Why is she even friends with such a crackhead? To be honest, it was fun watching them but at the same time that made me wonder if Hyung ever had any feelings for her.

"It's just a hangover," she finally mumbled, quickly glancing at me. 

What? What is she looking at? Don't tell me she is blaming it on me. I tried to stop her. It was just her who wanted to get drunk.

"Who told you to drink that much?" I growl, a little angry but a little concerned.

"Wait wait wait wait!!"

We both hear Jimin Hyung exclaiming in disbelief and getting up from the couch. He pointed at me and then at Noona. Sucking a deep breath between his teeth he asked, 

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