19 : Meanie!

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Professor Kim! You better be in your office! 

I mumbled underneath my breath and swayed myself towards his office. After visiting him for a couple of times, I have now remembered his office route by heart. Not only his office but I guess half of the Rkive university's campus.



Oh god! It's so hot today. Why do I have to wear a suit? I know it is the time of--

Wait! Isn't that Hana! Where is she going? Not going but flying would suit her better.

I finished my evening classes and was about to go home now. Because I freaking need to get rid of these clothes from my body. The sun is literally pouring down heat like a waterfall. No wonder people call me crazy for wearing formal just anywhere.

And let me be honest, I don't care what people think. In addition to that, after seeing Hana, I'm actually glad that I am well dressed. Not to mention, I am always well dressed.

"Hana!" I exclaimed to pause her from running away. With me calling her name, she turned around in confusion. And why not? She must be confused because I bet no one here knows her except me.

Wait! That makes me wonder. Why is she even here? I swear if she is still looking for Hoseok's murderer.

Unfortunately, she couldn't spot me. Suddenly a bunch of students popped out of the classroom and made her more confused. 

However, I can still see her, dressed in a pretty yellow dress with a white bandana on her head. And that sunset shine reflecting her lips--

Wait! Her lips and that confused look on her face. Jesus! She is freaking gorgeous. 

To be honest, she is the only person I can see in this crowd. She is the center of attraction. She is in the spotlight. She is the main color of art in my life right now, in this very moment.

But it wasn't too late until I got back to my senses when a guy bumped into me. Steadily standing near the stairs, I again call out her name. I hope she hears my voice again.


But now, seems like she finally found this tall and handsome man calling her name in this crowd. Her eyes met mine and I swear, they are too pretty. Big almond-shaped and shining like the stars.

Passing through the almost gone crowd, she stepped towards me and I moved towards her. As she was taking each step with her white sneakers, her eyes scanned me from head to toe. 

I might seem too greedy if I expect her to look at me rather than my non-college attire - a formal suit. But I lowkey want her to look at the way I look at her. 

What's this feeling? 

I don't even know.

"Hey! Why are you wearing a suit?" she asked frowning her brows in amusement but with a little smile.

But what's cute, do you know?

Her height. Our height difference made her look like a tiny baby girl standing in front of the Namsan tower. She is adorable.

She made me smile. I don't know how she does that but I am genuinely smiling which I barely do these days.

However, I am also scared. I don't want to let her go. I want to stay beside her. 

Nope! I want HER to stay beside me.

So, as we reach near each other, I handed all the heavy photo frames I was carrying in her arms and bent down to her eye level.

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