35 : The Stalker

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I don't know how I ended up coming to Rkive again but yeah, I'm here again, looking for Taehyung because I am a fool who forgets all the time to take his contact number. 

I am already done looking for him on the first and second floors of Rkive university and near the cafeteria because he is always hungry. It's a relief that even though this is a well-known and prestigious university, it is not too big to search for someone if I have a couple of hours.

I hope I find him because I need to ask him more about that senior named - Kim Seokjin. I need to know him and maybe talk to him too, only if he seems a safe person. 

I descend the stairs as I am done searching for him on the third floor and I bump into someone.

"Oops! I'm sorry," I say, trying to help that boy pick up the things that I just made slip from his hands. As I stand up to give his things back, his face scares me a little.

It's him! The stalker!

I take a step back, making a good distance between us, and get a good look at him. Not gonna lie, he is too handsome to be a stalker. But who says a handsome cannot be a stalker? He is tall and has broad shoulders. His face is not just handsome, but some work of architecture, sculptured into fine lines.

However, as I step back, he immediately grabs my wrist. "Hana, right?" he says breathing heavily as if he was trying to catch a running bus. He scans my face and looks straight into my eyes that I'm afraid he'll read my mind too.

But I am scared of him. Why is he holding my hand? I quickly try to get out of his grip but he tightens it more. Moreover, he also knows my name. Who is he?

"Let me go," I say, almost ready to scream and gather people around us.

"Please!" He pleads with his innocent eyes but I cannot get fooled by them. "Just once! Listen to me, please!" 

What does he want me to listen to? How does he know my name? And what is so important that made him follow me every time he sees me? I have tons of questions for him but I am scared to ask. What if he is dangerous? Some part of me wants to talk to him but the other part of me says I shouldn't listen to him.

This time, I make a cold and bold face as if I'm gonna kill him if he doesn't listen to me. "MY. HAND." I say with a confident and bold voice. But he won't let go of me. 

"I can't trust you. What if you run away again?" 

Again? All the time, he was behaving like a creep. What does he want a woman to do when he behaves like that? However, we still have students roaming in this university this evening. Maybe, I can give him a chance to speak. What if he has something big to tell me?

"I won't," I say.

After hesitating for a moment he finally lets go of my hand. He adjusts the books on his other hand and looks at me again, straight into my eyes. He indeed has an attractive way of looking at people. Attractive doesn't describe what I mean. I'd rather say his stare can hypnotize anyone. The way he looks at me, makes me feel so tiny in his presence. His stare is eating up my existence and I feel like I am fading away.

"How about we go somewhere else? I don't want others to listen to us."

That's not something I want to do. What if he is the real killer and wants to kill me after knowing that I am behind Hobi's killer? This is a red flag, Hana! Be careful what you say and what you do!

"I don't want to," I say, honestly. 

He sways his free hand through his hair and catches up on his breath. He thinks for a while and bites his lower lip before proposing something else.

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