38 : With a child?

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"Thank you, professor! Have a good one." I say, leaving prof Kim's office. 

Hobi's death has affected me in such a way that I couldn't focus on any of my research. I was supposed to submit my initial research paper drafts today but thanks to prof Kim's kindness, he extended the deadline for me. 

As I leave his office, I take the stairs to go up to the art hall. The art hall of our university is my favorite place. This is the hall where I first met Hobi and we worked a lot on our exhibition here. Even though Hobi is not beside me, I can feel his cheerful presence here with all his photographs farmed on the wall of the hall. 

I miss him!

I enter the hall when a couple of students murmur something about prof Park while leaving the hall. I open my ears and try to hear their fading voice as they leave.

"Are you submitting the assignment? I couldn't finish it. My mom is hospitalized, you know."

"I am done with mine but are you sure you don't want to submit it right now? Prof Park won't be generous enough. She is strict, not like prof Kim."

"I have no...." and the voice fades away as they leave the hall, closing the door behind them.

Prof Park is too evil, at least from my point of view. She never attempts to put herself into her student's shoes and understand them. She only did that for Hobi. And maybe that's why Hobi liked her. Hobi might never have known how unpleasant she is to others.

But wait! They talked about submitting the assignments. It means they have prof Park's classes right now. Should I sneak into her office and try to find something? Maybe I can get something useful related to Hobi.

I quickly sway my way to her office and enter it making sure that no one sees me.

Her office is clean and well decorated. At least she is good at acting like a good professor. No doubt, her teaching is well but her social skills are sh*t.

I search her desk but it is empty. Just a desktop, with a penholder and a few art frames, piled on the corner of the desk. There is a bag on her office chair and I wonder what she can hide inside it. I open it and take out all the stuff on the desk. 

There are a couple of art books, paint boxes, a sketchbook, and some empty frames. I quickly go through all the pages of the books and find nothing except for a bookmark saying~

It will be an angel!

I wonder what she wants to be an angel. I put her books back inside the bag along with the paint boxes and empty frames. I take the sketchbook and flip pages one by one. It is full of sketches of flowers. And there is no way I don't recognize them. It's Hobi's work. Though Hobi never had an intense interest in drawing, he used to sketch flowers since he worked as a flower boy in one of the flower shops during high school. That's what he told me. 

However, I don't put the sketchbook back in the bag. I take it and put it in MY bag. I'm not giving Hobi's precious things to this witch. NEVER!

As I close the zip of my bag, I hear footsteps reaching this office. 

Crap! Hide Seokjin!

In a hurry to hide myself, I couldn't think much but hide under prof Park's desk. I pull the office chair near me, so no one can see me hiding here unless prof Park herself comes and drags the chair to sit. 

Aishhh. What if prof Park is here instead of her classes? Why do I have to hide here? 

Dammit, Seokjin!

The door opens wide and I hear the same voice that I heard when I was in the art hall. I hold my breath and listen to them again.

"I think the luck is on my side." says the student and from her voice, I can say she is the one whose's mom is hospitalized.

The other one replies, "Yeah, I wonder if the prof is doing okay. She never took a week-long sick leave before."

"I know right. But at least, I got time to work on my assignment." the first one responds and puts something heavy on the desk. Probably the assignment that the students submitted who completed it.

Soon they leave the office and I breathe heavily again. Pheww!

I get out of the desk and zip my bag properly. I was worried for nothing. Prof Park isn't even here. But is she really sick? What made her take a week-long leave? I hope she is not doing something else. Because I can't stop thinking about how she might have killed my Hobi.

I put prof's bag on her chair again and then put my bag on the desk. I open the drawers to see if I can find something from there. The lowest one only has a lot of frames. The middle one is just full of paintbrushes and boxes. And the first one has some files.

I take out those 4 files and check inside them one by one. Two of them have some photographs of the exhibitions and the art competition held a few months ago. The third one has documents regarding the exam papers and stuff. And the last one has... A hospital file? I mean a maternity hospital file?

I open the file and find her nickname name on it. Park Yeri. Okay, why would she use her nickname for a hospital file and why would she keep it here instead of keeping it at home?

The file has a sonogram picture of a fetus of 5 weeks. Is she pregnant? Is she with a child? And she still cheated on her husband? But whose child is she carrying? 

I can feel goosebumps all over my body holding that sonogram in my hands. I feel a terror in my heart. I just hope it is not Hobi's-- No! I don't want that witch to carry his child. NO WAY!

I quickly get that file into my bag and sneak out of the office. I need to tell everything to Hana and that detective Min. 


Hello, lovelies! ❤️

I don't know if you all were shocked after reading this chapter but if you were, then I succeeded in making that suspense! 😋

🎯 Arms of Army can discuss here 🎯 There is a lot to ask you all. Like, whose child Yeri is carrying? And why the maternity hospital file has her nickname? Why did she take a week-long sick leave? 

The story is almost in your hands now. You got this case, guys! Keep digging into the story!❤️ 


Borahae 💜

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