34 : Visit to the hospital

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It's been a couple of days since the Seoul National Museum was put on fire by some unknown gang. They are still missing and detectives and FBI agents are on the search. The borders were immediately put on eyes as the word spread about the arson. However, no traces were found of the gang leaving the border. That's what the news is telling the people of the nation and scaring them that there is a possibility of a new fire breakout anywhere, anytime.

In these two days, I recovered well from the incident. I managed to spend some good time in the classes, handling and guiding students with their upcoming competitions. Jungkook seemed to carry on Jimin's contemporary classes very well and that makes me so proud of him. He is really putting his effort and I like that energy radiating from him. Even, our shining star - Ryujin - had paid a visit to Jimin with Jungkook and helped to manage his classes. 

In my free time, I spent a good time at the Ninja Pet Shelter and regained my energy to move on with the Hobi's homicide case.


"Seoul Care Hospital!" I murmur by myself as I stand in front of the hospital's entrance. It's gigantic and the hospital is busy like hell. Well, hospitals are always busy and I wonder why we have a shortage of doctors when almost all the Asian parents force their kids to become a doctor or an engineer.

Even Yoongi is a couple of years elder than me and the reason we were in the same batch of criminology university is - he spent two years studying medicine but then moved to Seoul when he realized that medicine was not his thing. He is like a half-doctor to me. 

Anyways, I enter this busy hospital and wait in a short line to ask some questions to the receptionist, who is a little busy right now. There are two people in line in front of me and I can hear their talks.

"Can we meet Dr. Subramanyam today?" The first lady in her mid-sixties asks the receptionist and I can see a denial with a nod. 

"The doctor is not available right now. He will be visiting the next week on Wednesday." The receptionist passes the doctor's card to the lady. "Please make a call to book your appointment with him."

I sigh. How pathetic this is! Patients cannot meet their doctors when in need. What if the condition is worse, like life-threatening? But when I turn my head to look around, I see a huge board with the list of names of the doctors. And one of them is Dr. Subramanaym - A heart Surgeon specialist who pays his visits here bi-monthly from India. Impressive!

The lady makes her way out of the hospital when the man before me asks about some spinal cord tests. The receptionist provides him with the details. 

Phew!! I am bored standing here waiting for my turn to ask the receptionist if they have a patient named Jung Hoseok. I don't know if they'll tell me so I came prepared to act as his sister. But no longer than I turned my face to the other side, I spot a familiar face.

Prof Park Yuna??

What is she doing here? Her presence makes me more curious about why Hoseok had this hospital's card. I quit the queue for the receptionist and walked toward her. 

"What a surprise professor!" I say, more like wanting her to spill every word about her presence here.

"Oh!" she turns to face me and her face changes her expression into a shocked one. I mean, she definitely wouldn't expect me here. "Hana? How come you are here?"

"That's what I am curious to know about you."

She laughs a little like she is acknowledging my question and preparing herself to answer. Tucking the hair strands behind her ear, she responds with an awkward smile, "Oh! I'm-- I'm here to see my friend."

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