9 : Antique Store

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Another day without any solved part of Hobi's murder. And just like that, Hana woke up with her half-distracted brain in her own investigation.

It was Wednesday and again, she had no classes as she asked Jimin to take over for the upcoming dance competition.

But she wasn't in her right mind to get started with her investigation. She was still hurt knowing what all happened with Hoseok and was scared. But all she could do was act all fine and strong in front of everyone.

Is it just me who causes everyone to leave this earth? First my parents, now Hobi.

It would have been great if I could die in place of them.

With such depressing and heart-breaking thoughts, Hana took her Hyundai to the Ninja Pet Shelter and volunteered her time playing and taking care of the pets over there. It was her safe place to relax and re-energize herself. She made herself ready to talk to people related to Hoseok and to get started to find the truth.

First of all, she decided to meet prof Park. She needed to talk to her and then find out about his unknown girlfriend.

Driving herself to the Rkive when it was almost 6 pm, she parked her car beside a red Audi. When she got out, a young lady unlocked that Audi and was walking toward it.

Hana didn't know if prof Park would still be at the University. Her eyes fell on that young lady and she thought of asking her first.

"Excuse me!"

"Yeah?" responded that young lady with a smile on her face.

She looked beautiful. She was dressed in expensive clothes, a navy blue dress with a white pearl belt around her waist. With her shoulder-cut wavy hair, she looked pretty with her pearl earrings and a transparent lip gloss on her cherry pink plum lips.

As she smile, a dimple tickled on the right side of her cheek, and Hana paused for a moment to look at her, from head to toe.

"I was wondering if you knew professor Park."

That young lady raised her eyebrow half an inch and smiled again after waiting for a moment. She looked at Hana, stepped towards her, and responded.

"Yaa, I know her. Why?"

"Oh, I was wishing to meet her. Do you know if she is still at the university?"

The blue-dressed lady chuckled sweetly and went to open the door of her car. Hana waited for her response. 

"You can talk to me, I'm professor Park!" said the professor with an adorable smile on her face.

Did she just call herself a professor? She is way too beautiful though.

Mrs. Park asked Hana to sit in her car while they talk. Hana grabbed the sit and introduced herself as Hoseok's old friend. Mrs. Park wasn't surprised to have someone asking about Hoseok because since he left this world, her students had been asking about him a lot.

Hana asked the same question she asked prof Namjoon and it wasn't too surprising for her when Mrs. Park gave her the same response as Mr. Kim. 

"I shouldn't be saying this as a professor but to be honest, he was my favorite student. He had the eyes for finding real beauty. He was kind, he was bright. I just can't believe that he is no more with us. It breaks my heart."

Hana couldn't agree more. Hoseok was indeed the brightest person she knew. But now it was the time to find out the person who snatched away that brightness.

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