1 : The Discovery

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Friday. It was a bright day with a clear sky. Perfect for a family picnic with your grandparents, unless you don't have any time from your tight schedule.

Kim Hana (Y/n), one of the best dance instructors at the Seoul Institute of Dance, just finished her last lessons of the day and was about to leave to grab her lunch. Hearing a cheerful voice calling her Noona, she turned around to find her favorite student  - Jeon Jungkook. 

"Noona! Are you done for the day?"

Jungkook was Hana's favorite student who can literally pick up any dance move within a couple of seconds. No repetitions, no revisions! Just show him the steps once and there he goes. He aces it and remembers it for years. 

Hana, the girl or it would be a little appropriate to call her a woman in her early youth, turned around with a smile on her face. She smiled. Why? Because she recognized the voice, the voice of her bunny who always cheers her up. Not to mention, Hana always thought that she should be the one to cheer her students but in Jungkook's case, it was the opposite.

"Hey, Jungkook! What's up?" she responded wiping the sweat rolling down her temple on her face. 

Jungkook scrunched his nose and sniffed a little. He hopped toward Hana jumping from one block of floor-marble to another with his hands back. But his face tilted down was telling everything. He had something to say, maybe something to ask but he wasn't too sure. He hesitated a little but then he replied anyway, 

"Noona! I have a part-time shift starting at 2 till 6 in the evening and..." His voice faded by the end of his sentence but Hana understood the assignment.

"And you want me to take care of Bam, right?" she asked, more in a way of accepting his request, to which he nodded up and down. Hana giggled at him thinking how adorable he looked asking for some favor. How can someone say no to him? Probably no one! 

She asked him to leave Bam at the Ninja Pet shelter from where she will pick him up. Jungkook couldn't thank her more for her kindness. He winked and pointed his finger gun toward Hana and she returned it back doing the same gun pointing at Jungkook and shooting invisible bullets at him. Jungkook was already running out of time. He pretended to be hit by that bullet and left immediately to get ready for his work.

It might sound kiddish but that's the bond these two had despite being a teacher and a student. Hana was indeed elder than Jungkook but not much that there can be a generation gap. They were more like school friends in different grades.

Now, if you are wondering who Bam is... Bam - is Jungkook's pet dog whom he loves the most. Bam used to work at the Seoul Police Services as the Search and Rescue Dog but not for too long. He had to leave the team when he accidentally fractured one of his legs during a search mission. Jungkook adopted him as his own child and since then they are now best friends.

But the story of Bam doesn't just end with Jungkook!

Ninja Pet Shelter! Yeah, you read it correctly. It's the place Hana mentioned and that's where the rest of the story lies. Ninja - is the pet house where people usually leave their pets when they are out of the town or leave the lost pets they find on the streets. Hana volunteers her free time over here since she lost her parents, to distract herself from any depression. 

Once, she was playing around with pets when she saw Jungkook entering Ninja holding Bam's leash. She was amazed at how good he looked. Not Jungkook! But Bam. He was healthier than any dog she had ever seen. The manager was out for lunch and so Hana asked Jungkook if he needed any help. And that's when she met Jungkook, she met Bam, and she became close, very close to them.

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