30 : Arson

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I hear the woman screaming and in the three seconds a man hitting his head on the ground who just jumped off the terrace. The woman is now a weeping mess, running down the stairs to save her boyfriend who is now dead possibly. Because I don't think anyone can survive after jumping from a 20-story building.

I sigh. Maybe because I pity her. Or maybe because I pity the man who just tried to kill himself. How painful and unbearable his life must have become to make him think of suicide and at last give up on his life. Could he have ever thought of asking for help? 

If I think about myself, I hesitate a lot before asking for help. I just wonder - what if I end up thinking about committing suicide one day and don't ask for help? Would people be able to read my mind before I ruin my well-builted life?

As soon as she reaches the ground floor, the public has already gathered around, calling for help. For Police. For ambulance. For the building owner. 

The woman tries to make her way passing through the crowd to her boyfriend and suddenly I hear the doorbell.

Aish!! Why can't I even enjoy a movie on my day off?

I unfold my legs on the couch to get up and then open the door. It's Jimin. My chim chim.

"Jimin!" I exclaim with a smile. But suddenly he throws himself at me and wraps his arms around my waist. Burying his face in my chest and closing his eyes like a baby. He hugs me. Tightly. 

Did something happen to him? I wonder.

5 seconds. 10 seconds. 

Now I'm worried. 

"Jimin. Is everything okay?"

He doesn't respond verbally, but I feel his grip tightening around me. Whatever it may be, I hug him back, patting his back. A few moments later, he mumbles lazily,

"I just need a hug," 

Something must have happened. Or am I overthinking? The guy who gives hugs to people is asking for a hug today. Weird of him. But I can't really say that he must not be craving for hugs either. 

I guess a minute later, he lets me go and drags himself inside my house.

"Why did you call me yesterday? Are you okay?"

Oops! I almost forgot about the long night incident that happened yesterday. I had called Jimin before calling Jungkook. But he didn't pick up my call. I had no choice but to take Jungkook with me because no matter how brave I think of myself, I get scared too at some points. I am a human! 

However, I cannot tell him the real reason now. If he gets to know that I climbed a building and then ended up meeting Yoongi, it's gonna be a long argument between us.

"I couldn't sleep so just called for fun. Nothing important." I lie with the most innocent face I could make. And for some reason, he falls for it. He believed my words. Wow!

And now it is my turn to ask. "Why didn't you pick up my call?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was actually meeting my old school friend and ended up staying over at his place."

"School friend? That must be nice."

"Yeah, Taehyungiee is a fun person."

"Taehyung?" the name escapes my lips like an amusement. This name reminds me of someone who once offered me to have dinner. And I still regret not going with him. However, now that I think, he even helped me escape that morning from prof Kim. I should probably treat him to a meal now. And I hope it is not too late.

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