2 : Someone I know

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"Hana! What in the world were you doing here?"

The words of question that Hana just heard were almost mute for her. She couldn't shrug off the scene she had seen a couple of hours ago in that dark and cold building.

With a bottle of water in one hand and holding Bam's leash in the other, Hana kept staring at the corner of the table she was sitting at. She was scared. She was trembling with fear. She gulped the lump of tightness in her throat and lifted her chin to face the detective. The detective who was sitting across the table in front of her and who just asked her a question.

With the horrible scene in her head, the only thought that ran across her blank mind was this...

Why does it have to be Yoongi? Why?

"Hana, you okay?" asked the good-looking detective with black silky hair and pale skin.

Hana's eyes were shaking. She barely gathered up some courage to utter these few words. "You mean, how I am doing after finding a lifeless body, Detective Min?"

Our detective, Min Yoongi, was calm unlike all other Detectives in the Crime Squad. He got up from his chair and shifted to stand beside her. He placed his palm on her shoulder opposite to him and pulled her into a side hug. After making sure that there was no one in that room, he turned toward Hana and buried her face into his stomach. 

Hana was already shocked. She couldn't pull away but rather bury her face into Yoongi's uniformed shirt and clench it with her mini fist. They both were in the room next to the one where the dead body was found.

Even though Hana was one of the bravest women Yoongi knew, he was worried about her. It was not like she kept finding dead bodies on daily bases. It was her first time, unlike his experience being a Detective. 

Yoongi pulled back from the hug and set himself back on the chair, pointing to Hana to have a sip of water. "Can you tell me how you ended up coming here and what exactly happened?"

Hana sucked a deep breath between her teeth recalling everything that happened a couple of hours ago. She could recall each and every moment since she was dragged by Bam inside this creepy area.

"A few minutes past 4:30 this evening, I left my house with Bam for a walk." She pointed out Bam who was sitting calmly beside her chair and continued. "After a long walk, unknowingly I reached this area and wondered where I am. I decided to go back when Bam suddenly acted strange as if he found something. He dragged me all the way from the alley outside to this room of the Retro building. He barked a couple of times and sat still."

She gulped the water, emptying the bottle she had in her hand, and added further. "It was dark. My eyes weren't yet adjusted to the darkness. I quickly took out my phone for the flashlight. I remember. It was 5:37 pm when I turned on the flashlights and it was no longer than a minute when I found out the... the body."

Yoongi puts his reassuring hands on hers, lying flat on the table. "And?"

"And... And as soon as I got a grip of myself, I called the cops. I guess it was around 5:39"

"That was detailed and a pretty quick action, Hana!"

"I mean, of course, after all, I'm a Criminology student!"

Hana finished telling everything to Yoongi. Her head tilted down in nervousness but more in a heart-breaking look. Yoongi didn't expect Hana to be this emotional but anyway, he gestured for Hana to walk out of the building thinking it might help her calm down.

Getting out of that room, Hana and Yoongi glance at the yellow crime scene tape, wrapped around that building. Hana walked out of that tape to breathe some fresh air and Yoongi accompanied her.

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