5 : The Flower Boy

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Monday evening. Hana was done with all of her classes that day when Jungkook knocked on her office door. 

"Come in."

Hana was just sitting in front of the huge wide window in her cabin which had white curtains similar to the hallway ones but with little chicken work on them. Her cabin was right in front of Jimin's but Jimin had already left after his last afternoon classes.

As soon as Hana heard the unique knock on her door, which made her realize that it is no other than her bunny student Jungkook, she folded the newspaper she was reading and kept it aside on the couch.

Her mood was not as bright as it used to be. After all, even the newspapers would remind her of Hoseok when she turns the page around. 

The photography student found dead in weird wigs and tattoos.

But it wasn't something she can change. To prove to the people just how fine she was, she stretched the look of polite hospitality, hiding all emotions behind. But isn't it too harsh to act for the whole day? No wonder her face already started hurting from fake smiling.

With Jungkook's entry, a strong breeze of wind blew all over the office. The edge of the curtain slammed Hana's face and Jungkook shut his eyes abruptly, disturbed by that wind. 

"Hey, Jungkook! H-How... Aishhh this curtain... Jungkook! How was your day?"

"As usual, you know, just good!" 

Jungkook settled himself on the couch in front of her and folds his legs into a comfortable position, making himself home. Hana offered him some banana milk from her mini refrigerator and Jungkook grabbed it without any hesitation. For him, it was like a second house.

"Noona! Would you mind if I ask you about instructor Jung Hoseok?"

She looked at him for a while thinking about what he might ask but later nod up and down. Because she knew, in front of him she didn't have to fake smile. Jungkook would understand her and definitely not judge her at any cost.

"I have never met him in person but I have heard he was the best instructor here, at SID. Can you tell me how he used to be?"

It is said, Like Teacher, like students. And Jungkook was just like Hana. His curiosity level always used to be at his peak. Hana wasn't surprised at Jungkook's request. She knew that at one point she had to talk about Hoseok and that moment is now!

Jungkook gulps a mouthful of banana milk and waits for Hana to tell him all about Hoseok which might satisfy his curiosity. He swings his posture front and back waiting for Hana to respond.

"Jung Hoseok. We studied in the same school, the same grade. However, we weren't close and barely knew each other until I joined the dance club. He was the head of the club. Since I was very fond of dancing, he helped me learn new choreographies and in no time, we grew very close to each other. Next year, he started a new club called Photography. He had a keen eye for discovering beauty in everything around him. He was like a flower. Wherever he goes, that area lightens up with his presence."

"But I heard he was found dead in some weird wigs and clothes as if he is working for some horror movie. What was he up to?"

Some say Hobi was working in a horror series, some say he was into the Kpop thing. But at last, these were all just the assumptions of people. No one ever knew what exactly Hoseok was up to. It was a mystery and it is still a mystery!

"Well, I don't have an exact idea. After we graduated from school, we both joined SID as trainees. He was a full-time student at SID but I highly doubt he had any intentions of getting into the K-pop or Acting world."

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