He's conditioned her somehow. That's why she's been having the black outs.

"Hey, look at me, you don't have to do this!" I shout but it's like she can't even hear me.

"You, you in the ponytail. Is this what you want?" I ask one of the girls with a gun.

"Is this what any of you want?" I ask them.

"What we want, is what you've got. Time for you to leave asshole." The guy in the tank says.

"Look, I fought him before. And after we took in his old friends. They become leaders in what we have here. Now you put down your weapons, walk through those gates...you're one of us." I say and they seem to be thinking about it.

"We let go of all of it, and nobody dies. Everyone who's alive right now. Everyone who's made it this far. We've all done the worst kind of things just to stay alive. But we can still come back. We're not too far gone. We get to come back. I know. We all can change." I say and Hershel gives me a small smile.

"Liar. Now." The Governor says and Keres decapitates Hershel with one swing of the sword.

I look in horror and start shooting. I get the Govenor in the shoulder and Keres seems to get out of her trance and looks down at Hershel. She looks up and then runs into the woods.

Keres' POV:
I run through the woods not knowing what just happened and find myself at a pond. There's a little girl playing by the water and a lady sitting in a green chair. She gets up and takes out her gun and for a moment I think that she's gonna turn and shoot me but then I see the walker in the water.

I hear the girl calling for her mom and then suddenly she screams bloody murder. I run over and see a walker clamping down on the little girl's neck, blood spurts out and I stomp on the walker's head and grab the girl out of the dirt.

He mom runs over in a panic screaming Megan and points her gun at me. The girl is crying in pain and I quickly grab the gun from the mom and shoot the girl in the head.

"There was nothing you could've done for her. I'm sorry." I say and hand off the dead girl to her mother.

She crumples to the ground with her child in her arms and I take the gun and shoot the walker in the water dead. I walk over and drop the gun by the grieving mother.

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes but also confusion.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"His scent is on you." I say and she looks at me confused.

"Come with me." I say and take her through the woods with her little girl in her arms.

We get to the prison and I stand behind the lady with her child with a gun to her head. I see that the tank has gone through the fence now and the lady is crying.

"Stop this or she dies." I say and the Governor looks over and freezes.

"You wouldn't dare." He says.

"Who do you think did that?" I ask pointing to the little girl.

He takes a step forward and I kill the lady where she stands. I already took her wallet and put it in my pocket. He shoots me in the leg and I go down.

"You ungrateful bitch! Maybe another 8 months will do you good." He growls and charges me.

Before he can get to me Rick tackles him to the ground and starts punching him in the face.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Rick shouts at him in between punches.

The Governor gets Rick off of him and slams him up against the wall. I get to cover behind a vehicle but I can still see Rick and the Governor.

[Rough Draft]        Keres : The Walking Dead Where stories live. Discover now