37 : Where is she?

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A/N: I don't know if you all see the cover photos at the beginning of all the chapters. But just to let you know, the photos are always related to the chapter! 



Tell her the truth, Yoongi! You can do it.

As I convince myself to gather the guts to tell her the embarrassing truth I have been hiding from her since we broke up, the public again stops, waiting for the signals to cross the road. 

However, we haven't moved from where we are. We are there, stuck like the light poles on either side of the roads.

Hana is looking at me with her soft eyes seeking truth from me. I cannot help but drop my head down being anxious. She takes my hands into hers and her voice reaches my ears.

"If you can't tell me the reason you left me, then I can't find a reason to get back to you." Her tone softens as her eyes meet mine. Full of regret and pain.

And if I can't get back to her, I can't find a reason to live without her.

I take a deep breath and start telling her everything. Every single detail of what happened last year and what made me think that it would be better for us to break up. Everything from A to Z.

And the memories flash in front of my eyes...

Flashback - one year ago!

"DETECTIVE YANG!! We have three accused stuck up there behind the bars," someone yells as we try to evacuate the entire Seoul Police Department. 

I see detective Yang running inside the burning police building as I help other clerks on the ground floor to get out of there. When I am about to leave the building, someone yells that a kid of 5 has been sleeping in the resting room of the night shifters.

That kid's mother works full time as the police clerk handing the documentation and has to bring her kid twice a week here because she is a single mother and cannot afford a nanny.

I ask detective Lee, who just got hired a week ago, to help others get out of the building and I run towards the resting room on the third floor to rescue the kid.

The situation is a mess. The smoke covered the entire sky like dark thunderstorm clouds. The raging fire is burning my skin like hell and I am sweating like a ground spring water in this heat. The police department is huge with 5 story building, burning into ashes now.

I climb the stairs and finally reach the third floor. I run and run to quickly get to that kid but a huge wooden ply falls right in front of me. That fucking shit scared me.

I take a couple of steps back to jump over the burning ply and again head towards the resting room. As I reach the door, I open it wide but the door itself falls as it has been on fire from inside. 

Fuck! Where's the kid?

I squeeze my eyes to find the kid in that mess of fire and smoke when he screams in his tiny voice as the bunk bed in the room collapses on the wall. Wiping the sweat on my face, I turn my head to find him hiding under the desk and instantly get him out of there. I take the blanket from the other bunk bed, which is thankfully not raging with fire, and cover the kid with it. 

I pause for a moment. I try to catch my breath as I seek oxygen. I can feel my heart beating double and my lungs filling with the black smoke. I can barely see the kid. The noise of burning flames and the screams are really working hard to tear my eardrums. I lift the kid in my arms and cover his ears. 

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