My mom, Hyunwoo, V... They all abandon me after some chaos, and now Y/n has done the same. Who do I turn to when I'm broken, when I'm down, when I'm desperately hurting? No one.

I rose from the floor and walked over to my dressing table, gazing at the broken photo frame of Y/n and me. It captured a beautiful memory of us at the amusement park, her clinging to my arm, a cotton candy in one hand, and the ferris wheel behind us. But now, it was just a shattered frame and a reminder of what once was.

Surveying the room, which now resembled a disaster zone, I let out a sigh. I made my way to another room and lay down on the bed, closing my eyes. Turning to face the window, I gazed at the full moon, tears streaming down my face, wetting the pillow. I wished for this night to end, hoping that the throbbing pain in my heart would subside.

Two days later, at school -

Y/n POV:

"Babes, how are you?" Namjoon shouted in my ear, his hand on my shoulder, wearing a silly grin. Yeonjun and Jungwon were with him, and I mustered a weak smile as Jisyoung, our lovebirds' couple, waved at me from afar. I waved back, trying to appear normal despite my inner turmoil.

"So, how was your weekend?" Jisyoung asked, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously. I smiled weakly in response, sensing that she could see through my facade. However, she chose not to say anything since the boys were still present.

"Let's head to class before Mr. Jung gets mad," Yeonjun urged, sprinting away at lightning speed, with the others following suit.

I walked into the classroom, keeping my head down, avoiding eye contact with anyone. When I reached my seat and noticed Taehyung's absence, I sighed. It wasn't something new anymore. Ever since Taehyung took over his father's business, he was frequently late or absent due to business trips. Although it didn't affect his academic performance, he was still the brightest student.

I settled back into my seat, resting my head on the desk, knowing that the class would commence in a few minutes. But the emptiness beside me served as a painful reminder of his absence. The ache in my heart intensified, and I couldn't help but wonder where he was, what he was going through, and if he was hurting as much as I was.

As the teacher began the lesson, I tried my best to focus, but my mind wandered. Thoughts of Taehyung consumed my every waking moment, and I yearned for the day when things would go back to how they used to be. But deep down, I knew it was an uncertain hope, and the pain in my heart continued to weigh me down.

The class had started long ago, and soon it would be break time. Taehyung hadn't made it to school today, and deep down, I understood why. As the bell rang, signaling the end of the class, students rushed out to meet their friends and enjoy lunch. I was putting my books aside when Jisyoung approached me. She had a look on her face that I couldn't quite decipher. Without listening to the calls of Felix and Namjoon, she grabbed my hand and led me out of the classroom, taking me to the girls' restroom.

She closed the door and turned to look at me, her eyes searching for answers. I lifted my head, tears filling my eyes, and she gasped before pulling me into a tight hug.

"Y/n, what's wrong? Something is really not good. I've been trying to contact you and Taehyung for the past two days, but you both seemed unreachable. And today, he didn't even show up. You look like your soul has left your body," she said, her voice filled with concern.

"Jis... Jisyoung, he... he proposed to me. And I rejected him. I let him down. I lost him, Jisyoung. I lost our bond, our precious friendship, everything, in a blink of an eye. I don't know what to do. I feel like such a terrible person, but I couldn't even consider giving him a chance. It hurts," I managed to say through sobs, clinging to her tightly.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally calmed down. Jisyoung took my hand in hers and spoke softly.

"I understand what Yoongi did was unforgivable, and I respect your decision regarding Taehyung. It was the best for both of you. Don't pity yourself. Keep your head held high, queen. Don't let the crown fall. Focus on yourself now, especially since graduation is just around the corner. You need to score the best. The rest, leave it in the hands of destiny. Let's see what's written for you," she said, her words bringing some comfort.

"Jisyoung, please don't tell Soojin anything. You know she trusts Taehyung when it comes to me, but she hasn't fully accepted him. If she finds out about all this, she'll lash out at him. Please," I pleaded, looking at her with hopeful eyes.

Jisyoung smiled and nodded, and we left the restroom, heading back to the classroom. In the canteen, I couldn't help but notice the stares from others, but luckily, Namjoon and Felix were waiting for us in the classroom. Jisyoung didn't say anything to them, and they didn't press for answers. We all ate lunch together, sharing cracked humor jokes and laughter. Looking at my friends, I felt blessed and a little better once again.

Meanwhile, in California...

Taehyung Pov-

I raised a toast at the long table, surrounded by some of the world's wealthiest individuals. The collaboration between Kim Enterprises and Dongsi Inc. promised great success and prosperity. Sipping my wine, I couldn't help but notice that it was Y/n's favorite, Auxin wine.

After that fateful day, I arranged a meeting as soon as possible and decided to take some time away from Korea. Being busy was my way of escaping reality and irrational thoughts. Now in California, I found myself seated in a limo, looking at the driver as I contemplated my next move. It had been three days since I last ate a proper meal, resorting only to random alcohol consumption and fruits.

"Take me to the finest Italian restaurant here," I instructed the driver, my gaze fixated on the people strolling down the streets with their blissful families. Don't I deserve a happy family too? "My first love will be my last, right, Y/n?" I whispered, looking at her photo inside my wallet and mustering a smile.

Upon arriving at the restaurant, I surveyed the surroundings. It was exactly what I had envisioned—a place that would make me feel as if I were with Y/n. She adored Italian cuisine, and the aroma of pizza and pasta wafting through the air filled my nostrils, evoking a sense of nostalgia. I reminisced about the times we visited Italian restaurants together, witnessing her face light up at the sight of a large pizza and her delight as the cheese seemed never-ending, her laughter with her doe eyes, and even the playful punches she would throw after an unexpected burp caused by a spiked cola. Those memories remained vivid in my mind, as if they had occurred only yesterday.

Yet, amidst the pleasant ambiance, a sharp pain gnawed at my chest with every breath I took. It felt as if I wanted to cry my heart out, but I couldn't. There was no one to hold me, to comfort me. So I internalized all the anguish, piling it up within my chest, knowing that one day it would inevitably explode.

"Your order, sir. I hope you enjoy it," the waitress said, placing a deliciously cheesy pizza before me, accompanied by a glass of cold coke. As I stared at the mouthwatering dish, tears welled up in my eyes, mingling with the bittersweet taste of longing and heartache.

Author's pov-

The story takes an unpredictable turn at this point, plunging into a realm of deep emotional turmoil. Brace yourself, as the narrative enters a phase where the outcome becomes uncertain. Welcome to this era of intense emotions and complex situations. The path ahead is filled with twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Get ready to delve deeper into the story's depths and witness the unfolding of unforeseeable events

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