"What already exhausted just by the sight of me?" He mocks.


He comes over to me and leans down and I smack his head against the wall and take his gun and make a run for it. I get to the wall and threaten to shoot one of the civilians if they don't open the gate. They quickly comply frightened and I go on my way.


After a few hours of running and walking I come across a place I had almost forgotten about...almost. It looks so familiar yet so different. Walkers in jumpsuits filled the courtyards. I'd found the perfect place to keep the Governor away.

I find a broom handle in a janitors closet and start getting to work on the courtyard. It takes me about two days by myself to completely kill the walkers and empty the courtyard of their bodies. I set up camp with the some blankets and a little fire pit that I made.

I stay close to the prison at all times not wandering too far over into the woods. I set some traps for animals and with some luck I get them before the walkers do.

I stay out in the courtyard not wanting to relive what happened in the cells.

I'll go in and take care of the walkers inside if I ever find Rick and his group and they need a safe place to stay. I keep saying to myself knowing full well that they've probably forgotten all about me and are most likely thriving without me. I never thought I would end up back here.

What would Shane think of this? I think to myself but quickly toss the thought aside.

I'm heading out to check some traps when all of the sudden I see some of the walkers heading across the street. Usually they are more towards the woods.

Curious, I follow them and kill them and try to find what they were after. I bump into something, no someone.

I look up and see Rick and Daryl .

"Keres? Is that you?!" Rick asks surprised.

"Took you long enough." I say not realizing what just came out of my mouth but I roll with it.

Rick's POV:
Keres never came and I had to do what was best for the group. So we moved along. Daryl begged that we stay another day but even he knew deep down that she wasn't coming.

I was mad at Lori for blaming so many things on Keres. Things like the barn burning down, Carl getting shot, Dale's death, Sophia's death. Basically everything bad that had happened to us, she blamed on Keres.

Beth would try to cheer me up by saying that "Keres probably found a group that needed some help. I'm sure she'll catch up with us eventually." But I don't think that even she believed that.

After a bit we start walking and find a few houses. Carl, Daryl, T-dog and I make sure they are clear. The rest of the group searches through cubbies and drawers for food and supplies. If the area seemed safe enough we stay as long as we can.

This goes on for weeks, but it starts turning into months. We start running low on supplies and Lori is getting bigger by the day. Daryl tries to find animals if he can but the smell of meat cooking just makes Lori vomit.

———8 months later———

We are on one of the last houses and all we can find is dog and cat food. I smack it out of Carl's hands before he can take a bite. I feel like a complete and utter failure as a leader. I have no clue what I am doing. I'm just trying my best to keep everyone alive.

Daryl and I head into the woods to try and find some game and run into someone. I grab my gun and aim thinking it's a walker but then I saw their face.

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