Ch60: Family Drama (2)

787 41 11

????'s POV:

Wha-where am I? Why's it so dark and cold? What's that beating sound? Is it a war drum? Am I in the midst of a battle? Why can't I see anything?

????: Hostile entity located. Exterminate with extreme prejudice.

Spinning around, I try to see who's spoken but no one's there. Sighing, I turn and simply pick a direction before opening fire. Nothing happens, and I'm not sure whether to be more afraid of that or the mysterious voice from earlier. If my rounds travelled so far that I couldn't even hear them go off then this place I'm in is massive.

????: You are not welcome here.

The voice, this time, sounds like an entire host speaking at once from all directions. As they end their chorus, I'm momentarily blinded by white light. When it clears, a sole female hovers before me.

 When it clears, a sole female hovers before me

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Me: Who are you and where are we?

????: I will not suffer another to take mother from me.

Me: Wha-

I barely get time to dodge before an explosion deletes the ground on which I had been standing. Whoever this girl is, she's serious as hell! 

Me: Listen! I don't know what's going on but-

????: Shut up and die!


Seeing that talking is futile, I evade before turning to open fire. Using everything I have, I unload everything towards her but can only watch as every round slows down to a halt before her. As slowly as a feather falling to the ground, she simply steps aside before letting them all fly pass her harmlessly. 

Me: That's gotta be-

????: Why do you resist?

Me: What?

????: Just end this futile attempt at living and I'll make it painless.

Me: You think I'm just going to roll over and die?

She pauses as if considering my question but I use the time to scan our surroundings. We're seemingly in an enclosed space but I can't see any walls. What's more, while we've been having this little fight, water has flooded the place so much so that I'm now afloat.

????: you won't. You have our mother's character after all. Not that it'll mean anything when I kill you!

Me: Wait-

A ball of red forms before her outstretched hand, slowly turning white before being blasted off in my direction. Unable to dodge, I unload everything towards it but it still keeps coming. This is the end, isn't it?

Me: Just tell me, are you my sister?

The ball of light stops just in front of me. 

????: What?

Me: You said "our mother". Does that mean we're sisters? 

????: I-

Me: If so then why do you wish to kill me? Shouldn't we help and care for each other?

????: What do you know?

Me: Nothing, admittedly, but that's why I wanted to talk to you...please...let me in.

There's silence for a few seconds and the ball of light slowly rescinds.

????: No

All at once, it rushes forward once more and i can do nothing but scream for help.


????: M-m-mother?

Mother?: Are you hurt?

Opening my eyes, I look up to find someone staring into my soul. Behind her, a massive dragon leans in as if to get a closer look at me.

 Behind her, a massive dragon leans in as if to get a closer look at me

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


Mother?: Aren't you sweet.

????: Mother, I can explain!

Mother?: Oh? 

????: I-

My saviour who's possibly also my mother turns fully to face my supposed sister but as she does I find myself rushing forward. I'm not sure why but my body simply charges straight for her. Likewise, my attacker also rushes forward. As we hasten to get to her first, the dragon beside her is absorbed into her body as she begins falling to the ground.

I get to her first, wrapping my arms around her to protect her from the fall. The minute I touch her, I'm put at ease. All nervousness fades away. I feel safe and at home.

????: Look what you've done!

Me: Me? You're the one who fired all-

I cut off as I finally realise where we are. All this time we'd been firing at each other, all those missed shots...

Me: We're both at fault.

When I say that, my sister's eyes widen with dread. She drops to her knees, tears falling from her eyes. Again, I'm not sure why but seeing her cry brings me to tears and soon we're both crying whilst grasping at our unconscious mother begging her to wake up but she doesn't. Regardless of what we try, she remains as still as stone until finally, she vanishes.

Azur Lane: Kaiserin (Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin