Ch27: Crosshairs

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Eagle Union's POV (Essex):

New York Naval Base,
Eagle Union

As my sisters and I arrive in New York, I'm surprised to find it abuzz with activity. As one of the major ports, I expected to see it active but certainly not like this. It's as though they expect the enemy to strike at any moment.

It's bad enough that they recalled us back after just deploying us to go to reinforce our base in the Pacific but if this is for another stupid drill I am seriously going to lose my shit. 

Intrepid: Sister, you're doing it again.

Essex: Why did they call us back?

Intrepid: We've already had this conversation. I don't know. That's why we are here, to find out-

Fanning her away, I return my focus to the docks as we pull in, ships fully deployed. It's standard procedure but I can't say I like it. It makes me feel naked, knowing that a single torpedo bomber sneaking through our defences could damage my ship while I'm fast asleep.

Bunker Hill: Seems we have guests.

Tracing her outstretched finger, I find Washington waiting there on the pier. It's rare to see her out of her office so whatever we've been called back for must be serious. Ever since we declared war on the Crimson Axis thus ending the truce between us, she's been hard at work...I wonder if the Rumelia Empire finally decided to join the fighting?


She smiles and waves as though she hadn't noticed us until that very moment. Still, as my ship comes to a halt, she makes no effort to meet me partway. Instead, she remains stationary until we go to her.

Essex: Why are we here?

Washington: We can't talk here...

Essex: What are you talking about? We're in Eagle Union! There's literally nowhere safer! 

Washington: Is Enterprise with you?

Essex: Why would-

Enterprise: I'm here.

Turning, I'm surprised to find the hero herself standing there in all her Union glory. How did she get behind us?

Washington: Perfect. Come with me.

Sighing, I follow as we make our way into the city. There I find even more preparations being made. From defensive positions being set up on the streets to anti-air guns being moved into position. 

It doesn't take long before we're before the headquarters. As we head inside, we're joined by North Carolina who I assume was called back from her deployment as well given she'd left the base prior to us on a special mission and yet here she is.

Essex: They got you here too?

Carolina: Well...

Washington: You can catch up inside.

We both share a look as Washington all but shoos us into the building. Once on the inside, she doesn't stop guiding us throughout the complex until we're inside an underground conference room.

Essex: So will you now tell us what's going on?

She doesn't respond, instead, walking out of the room altogether. I throw my hands up in frustration but soon she returns with others in tow. As everyone gets settled, however, she begins explaining why we're truly here.

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