Ch33: G.O.M.D.

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[System calibration complete. All systems are operational. Establishing connection...successful.]

As the voice ends I'm suddenly aware of a part of me I never knew existed. It is so sudden that I know I should be shocked but it feels so familiar that it brings me nothing but peace of mind as though I had always known it had been missing and have finally reconnected with it. It's as though I am whole and with the feeling comes the full knowledge of capabilities.

Opening my eyes I find myself staring up a pair of breasts. As my eyes focus, however, Roon's face comes into view.

 As my eyes focus, however, Roon's face comes into view

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Roon: You're awake...

Me: What were you about to do?

As if only just being aware of her hand hovering above my head, she pulls it away as though she's been caught doing something bad. Sighing, I contemplate getting up but her thighs are just far too comfortable. I could get used to them being my new pillow. Now if only she weren't so...

Me: What happened?

Roon: You-

She's cut off by an explosion. It's as though a meteor came crashing through the wall and in response, I bolt up, suddenly fully awake and alert. Roon's on guard too but whatever she detects has her lower her guard. I remain on alert, however, until an unmistakable sound reaches my ear.

FDG: Where is she? Where is my baby?

There, through the massive hole, comes mother. When our eyes meet she rushes forward, scooping me up into her arms before nuzzling me as though I'm a newborn babe fresh from the womb. Roon wisely steps aside though I can tell she's ever so slightly annoyed. Perhaps she's feeling jealous? It wouldn't be that far fetched given what happened with Eugen and Agir prior and I never even knew Eugen had feelings for me so...

FDG: ROON! Why didn't you tell me she'd woken up?

Roon: A better question would be how you-

She cuts off and despite my face being buried between Friedrich's breasts, I can tell why even without seeing it for myself. Deciding to help her just this once, I push mother away just enough to get her to refocus on me.

Me: How long was I out?

Bergmann: Roughly a day and a half, give or take a couple of hours.

Bergmann comes in through the hole created and he's followed by Roselyn who rushes forward when she sees me, wrapping me in an embrace. It catches me off guard since I am fairly certain we were never that close that she'd openly hug me with no context. Still, I return the hug if only to prevent her from thinking I m about to kill her for touching me. 

Me: So, how have things been?

Bergmann: Isn't it far too soon for you to be worrying about work? You just woke up from a minor-

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